Experience True Healing Luxury, Non-12 Step, Holistic Treatment

Our private grounds, luxury setting, and holistic approach to treatment help you to relax, rediscover your authentic self and heal the root causes of addiction.

  • Individualized Treatment
  • Private, 8-Bed Residential Program
  • Safe, Medically-Supervised Detox
  • Located on the Beautiful Big Island of Hawaii
  • Insurance Accepted

Start Your Journey

sunset on Hawaii beach

Heroin Detox-Rehab at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab

Making the decision to enter into rehab is a big step in anyone’s life. Your time spent in rehab should be much more than just sitting in the same building doing counseling. Why not work on yourself in a setting that most travel to for vacation? At Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, we believe luxury and comfort go hand in hand with recovery. As executives and high net worth individuals, you shouldn’t have to give up on the nicer things in life while you eliminate your addiction from your life. 

Our private, 8-bed facility is located on 30 acres of remote land that is surrounded by the tropical paradise of the pacific ocean and views of Mauna Kea, a snow-capped dormant volcano, in the distance.

Why Choose Exclusive Hawaii Rehab for Heroin Detox & Drug Rehab

Exclusive Hawaii Rehab offers our patients a holistic, customized treatment plan to heal their body, mind, and soul. We believe that treatment is more than just a standard format for each person. Your story is unique and special and your treatment should reflect that. Our dynamic team of counselors, medical personnel, and a naturopathic doctor will get to know you and your situation. A treatment plan will be built collaboratively that will have you leaving the tumultuous road of heroin use behind you. 

Our progressive approach to treatment, using the non 12 step model, will enlighten you to the root causes of your addiction by understanding your values and beliefs that have driven your addictive behaviors. We use different forms of therapy that move away from the usual CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) methods and, instead, use formats such as experiential therapy, mindfulness, and incorporating physical activity into your day-to-day living. Treatment is more than putting down the needle or pipe, it is about restructuring our ways of thinking and feeling while learning to love who we are without shame from the past.  Contact us today if you are ready to hear more about when you can start your path to a life-changing journey.

First Class Amenities

It is no secret that opiates are highly addictive and entering into rehab for heroin use is a challenging first step with the potential of uncomfortable days ahead. That is why we believe you should have luxury and comfort at your fingertips to make this process as smooth as possible. Depending on your preference, you will be offered private or shared rooms for your stay. Our bright, open bedrooms will give you the space you need to detox and recover while allowing you time to take in the ocean breeze on the patio outside of your room.

As you are healing, our personal chefs will be providing you with meals, snacks, and even desserts that are all made from fresh, organic foods. You will indulge in the local food of Hawaii, all coming from the local farmers market daily. Have you ever wanted to brush up on your cooking skills or learn how to make new dishes? Our program offers you a chance to work alongside our personal chefs to learn new ways of cooking healthy meals that you can take home with you at the end of our program.

The infamous Carl Jung believed that healing is a spiritual journey that should be done within nature. That is why we invite our patients to enjoy the serenity of the big island of Hawaii (also known as the ‘Healing Island’) with our weekly excursions and various therapy programs like bulimia treatment done on our stunning property. Do you have a love for animals? Why not indulge in the opportunity to go swimming with the dolphins or participate in equine therapy. Or maybe surf therapy is something that interests you and you can begin to heal as you learn a sport while enjoying the allure of the pacific ocean. What could be a better way to connect with nature than hiking Mauna Kea or walking through world renowned botanical gardens where you can take in the sights while centering yourself and emotions.

After exerting yourself in the excursions provided to, you can enjoy the many exclusive body restructuring and shaping courses to relax your muscles and mind. Taking care of your physical self will only accelerate your emotional healing. Some of the different options available to you are:

  • Massage Therapy
  • Craniosacral Therapy
  • Reiki
  • Yoga
  • Mindfulness practices such as meditation and breathing exercises
  • Acupuncture
  • Nutritional counseling with a registered nutritionist

Our hope is after engaging in these holistic treatment options that you will take what you have learned and create a new routine for yourself after you leave our facility. Knowing how to have proper self-care, adequate emotional regulation, and engaging in healthy physical activities can reduce the rate of relapse and increase your success in this new way of life.

What Is Detox Like?

Once you arrive, our team medical team of nurses, doctors, and counselors, will get to know you and your unique situation to ensure that you can detox safely and as comfortably as possible. We know that the thought of detox can be scary when thinking about what it will feel like and how long it will last. You aren’t alone through this process, we will have nurses and support on hand for you 24/7 to keep things as smooth as possible.

You will be given medication that you need to manage any pain you may be feeling and keep you feeling at ease. Our doctors will monitor you daily and adjust your pain management to make sure you are tapered off at a safe time to do so. Our naturopathic doctor will monitor your biochemical levels and give you supplements to hydrate and revitalize while your body is healing. Our holistic measures will help you manage your pain with regular acupuncture sessions to elevate any tension or cravings that you are experiencing.

Most importantly, we know that during detox, your emotional well-being is our top priority. Our caring, counseling team will be checking in with you throughout your detox to process any emotions that you are experiencing. This stage of rehab can be challenging at times, but we are here to help you see it through and, as you heal, begin to feel like yourself again.

How Long Does Detox Last?

As you prepare to come to Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, you will want to know how long detox will last for you. When determining the length of your detox will be dependent on how long you have used heroin. If you have used it for longer periods of time, you may experience withdrawal symptoms for longer than others. That’s why our medical team will be checking in with you frequently to monitor your withdrawal symptoms and keep you safe as you detox.

Withdrawal symptoms typically can be felt for up to 7 days depending on the individual. You potentially could experience symptoms ranging from nausea with cold sweats to muscle spasms or insomnia. As you experience symptoms, our team will be adjusting your detox schedule to keep you comfortable and at bay. This is where holistic measures will target all aspects of your well-being to maintain your comfortability as you detox.

What Happens After Detox?

Once you have detoxed you will be transferred to an inpatient heroin rehab. You will work with our counselors to create a rehab program that suits your needs. Your emotional ties to your addiction will begin to be examined with your counselors, peers, and within yourself. You will be entered into individual and group therapy sessions to begin diving into the thought patterns that have driven you to use. Our non 12 step methodology will have you healing the inner pain and trauma that you have experienced allowing you to put the emotional wounds of the past at peace.

You won’t be tied to completing the typical 12 step model that you see in most rehab facilities. Our program will respect your autonomy and allow you to direct your healing by focusing on the painful memories and self-image you have within your old beliefs and reshaping the emotional attachment you have to both. We use therapeutic techniques that rely on other methods than the standard CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). You will be invited to participate in therapeutic models that help you practice looking inward and give you the self-regulation tools you need once you reenter your life after leaving us. One method we use is CBR (Core Belief Restructuring), which will help you carefully examine traumas of the past and the self-perception you have that has impacted your core beliefs about yourself. Our trusted team of counselors will help you work through traumatic responses that are seen with patients experiencing PTSD or those who suffer from severe anxiety.

We will teach you methods that you will be able to use on yourself when you are back in the busy day of your executive life. One method we teach is EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). This method uses neural tapping that brings you a sense of calm as you self-regulate after a traumatic response or trigger. You will also learn the effectiveness of Mindful Inquiry (MI) and be able to effectively look within yourself as you are feeling urges or cravings to use and help to identify your feelings at that moment then restructure those thoughts.

Healing your emotional well-being is crucial for your success in abstaining from heroin or substances. Our holistic measures will provide your physical and spiritual well-being with the healing it needs as well. You will be offered various body structuring courses to begin to get in touch with your body, regain your strength, and learn healthy coping strategies for the future when you are feeling triggered or stressed. Acupuncture. Reiki and massage therapy are all great outlets to give your body the care it needs and bring you to a place of relaxation.

As you work to care for your body, it is important to provide it with the fuel it needs to continue with the important work you are doing. Our nutritional counselors and chefs will work with you to ensure you are getting the proper nutrients and supplements you need to keep your body feeling revitalized.

Heroin Treatment For High Networth Individuals & Celebrities

For years, addiction had a stigma attached to it and many felt they needed to keep it a secret. Recently, we have seen this change as it is being recognized as more than a choice, in fact, it is a disease that can happen to anyone. We strongly believe that you shouldn’t feel shame about your addiction but rather applaud yourself for asking for help which isn’t easy. By entering into our program, you have taken the hardest step of all in recovery by making the initial call and making it to our doors.

As an executive, high net worth, or celebrity entering into our program, you have expectations from the outside world to withstand a high societal status and reputation. You may be concerned about onlookers knowing the details of your life and impeding your time to work on yourself. At Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, we maintain your confidentiality by having our facility tucked away from the view of the public. We keep our capacity small to keep from overcrowding within our walls and give you time to build relationships with other executives and like-minded individuals. The low number of patients means that you will have access to our support team whenever you should need with our staff to patient ratio is high. We measure our success by how supported you feel during your stay with us.

Our aim is to keep you engaged throughout your stay with us. That is why we have created programming that will meet your level of intellect and have you gain insight and wisdom on your addictive behaviors. You will not be forced to sit through lectures that aren’t relevant to your needs or are full of standard information for anyone. We review our plans daily to make sure that we adjust our program to inspire and promote change within you.

Putting the work in to change your inner self is hard work so why not have some luxuries of home. That is why we put emphasis on providing you with options to keep you feeling comfortable. At Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, it does not have to feel like you are sacrificing the good things in life to get better; treatment is viewed as a holistic wellness retreat.

How Long Does Heroin Rehab Last?

With the busy lifestyle you have as an executive or celebrity, it will be important for you to know how long heroin rehab lasts. As you work with our support team, you will work collaboratively to determine the length of your stay with us. We offer 30, 60, or 90-day rehab programs. Some people may feel that they only require a limited amount of time and some may feel that they are ready to commit to a longer stay to give their emotions and body the time it needs to heal. For some, you may complete 30 days and decide you need more time. That is okay! We want you to take the time you need and you are welcome to stay the full 90 days if you need the time to heal and grow.

Once you have determined the length of your stay, you and your counselor will sit down together to determine the schedule of your customized rehab plan. You are the one leading your rehab journey, we are here to ensure it is full of all the holistic treatments that we have to offer. Each option for stay has a 6-month aftercare plan available for you at the end. You are doing hard work changing your core beliefs while you are with us and we don’t want you to feel alone as you transition back to home and work obligations. Our counselors will be here to help you navigate any challenges or emotions that arise as you reintegrate back into daily living.

30 Day Rehab

Determining the length of stay can be dependent on many factors. Not to worry, any length of time that you choose will still allow you to participate in all of the holistic treatment methods we offer that you have come to love. Our team will sit down with you and learn more about the unique circumstances that led to you joining us at our wellness retreat and determine the best course of action during your stay.

For some, you may have lots of support at home and feel that you can do the necessary healing and return back to your loved ones with ease. There are some that are driven and motivated to do the hard work in a short amount of time to allow themselves time to go back to the obligations they have. Whatever your motivation, if you feel that a 30-day rehab can be beneficial for you please contact Exclusive Hawaii Rehab.

60 Day Rehab

Having a bit more time to focus on yourself is never a bad thing. For some, you might just need the extra time to finally put yourself first in a world where you are used to living up to everyone else’s expectations. Taking the time to dive deeper into the underlying reasons for your addiction takes time and effort and we want to honor that by giving you additional time to do so.

You will have the same opportunity to have a rehab program tailored to your needs and lifestyle. We will incorporate all the great experiential therapy that we offer along with our holistic treatments to help you begin to regain your sense of self and purpose. Call us today if you want to learn more about how to start your journey to redefining yourself and putting the life of heroin use behind you.

90 Day Rehab

We know that some individuals have been battling heroin use for quite some time. There may be deep-rooted emotional pain and trauma that you have never taken the time to work through. That’s why we want to give you the space to work through these feelings with the support of our compassionate, therapeutic team.

Whether you are experiencing high levels of anxiety or trauma stemming from PTSD, we want to provide you with the level of care that you deserve to put those hurtful memories to rest. We will invite you to participate in our various methods of non 12 step programming to foster healing while allowing you space to explore the nature of Hawaii during our weekly excursions. Contact us today if you want to rid yourself of the pains from the past and bring forward the happiness of the future.

Exclusive & Secure Heroin Addiction Treatment Program

Your experience while you are with us is important and we value that it is a private journey. That is why we created our facility to protect you from the potential eyes of the public looking in as you are vulnerable and evolving. Our secluded, 30-acre estate has a walled perimeter surrounding it to keep your identity and experience private. We have installed motion sensor cameras throughout our property to ensure your safety is being withheld. Our team of security will be keeping a watchful eye 24/7 to put your mind at ease that there will not be any paparazzi documenting your private journey.

As one of only 3 treatment programs in Hawaii, we work hard to offer you exclusive measures to obtain sobriety. We want you to be able to experience the beauty that is in the state of Hawaii whether it is on our weekly excursions or when you spend time looking at the breathtaking scenery that surrounds us on our wrap-around porch. Incorporating the luxury of the home is important to us as you shouldn’t feel like treatment is a punishment. Joining us to change your life should be celebrated and that is why you will be given all you need to rest and rejuvenate while you transform your life.