20 Celebrities Who’ve Opened Up About Their Eating Disorders

The Power of Speaking Out About Eating Disorders and Body Image
Nearly 30 million Americans struggle with an eating disorder within their lifetime. With so many individuals going through the struggles of having an eating disorder, many will find it difficult to open up to someone about the internal struggle they are having with body image and food. There is often a stigma around eating disorders that make it challenging for many to feel comfortable in reaching out for help, but, recently, more and more celebrities have begun to open up about their own personal struggles and journeys of living with an eating disorder.
When a public figure openly shares about their own eating disorders and how it has impacted their lives, it opens the door for conversation and awareness about the impact that living with an eating disorder can have on someone including the social image and judgment that can come with it. The courageous stars have helped to successfully break down barriers and social stigma and helped open the gates for everyday individuals to take the brave steps in reaching out for help for their eating disorder.
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Celebrities Who Have Struggled with Eating Disorders
- Lady Gaga – Lady Gaga has been very open about her struggles with bulimia while she was in high school and has discussed her struggles with body image publicly in the media. Lady Gaga not only speaks in the media to encourage fans to learn to have positive body images but includes this in her song lyrics often.
- Demi Lovato- Demi has been candid with the public about living with bulimia on and off throughout her life. Her eating disorder began when she was a young child at the age of 8 and she openly has shared that during stressful times she will re engage with bulimic behaviors.
- Taylor Swift- Taylor recently shared in a new documentary that she has struggled with an eating disorder since being in the public eye. With the scrutiny placed on her through photos by the paparazzi and negative comments from the public. Taylor has since regained a new relationship with food and her body image and wants to spread the word about the severity of eating disorders and other placing judgment on others going through similar struggles.
- Elton John- During a recent interview, Elton disclosed that while he was active in his drug addiction, he also was suffering from bulimia in private away from the eyes of the public.
- Katie Couric- During interviews with other celebrities sharing about their eating disorders, Katie was open about living with bulimia while she was in college and for a couple years after her graduation. Katie now advocates for learning to have a healthy relationship with food.
- Paula Abdul- While Paula was experiencing the height of her fame, she was also living through some of the hardest struggles in her life with an exercise addiction and bulimia.
- Zayn Malik- While at the height of his success in One Direction, Zayn has admitted recently that he struggled with an eating disorder and would go days without eating. Zayn has since learned how to manage his eating disorder and built a new relationship with food and a positive body image.
- Kesha- The singer had an open battle with an eating disorder in the public eye. Kesha eventually went to get help for her eating disorder in 2014.
- Portia de Rossi- While in her adolescence, Portia struggled with anorexia and disclosed that it had reached such extremes that she had collapsed at one point due to a multi-system failure within her body. Portia is since in recovery with her eating disorder and has learned to have a positive relationship with her body image and food.
- Mel C- The Spice Girl, commonly known as Sporty Spice, has opened up about her struggle with body image once she shot to fame with the Spice Girls. Mel C has been open with her obsession with exercise and extreme restrictions she placed on herself with food. Mel has since been able to learn to have a healthy relationship with food, healthy exercise routine and positive body image.
- Russell Brand- Russell has openly shared about his struggles with bulimia since he was a teenager. Russell is now in recovery and focuses on managing his struggles with body image with healthy eating and yoga.
- Kate Winslet- The actress has shared how the pressure to be thin to get acting roles played a significant impact on her eating disorder. Kate used laxatives to help keep her weight down and has since recognized the depths of her eating disorder and sought help.
- Zoe Kravitz- After witnessing the supermodels that would be around her father during the height of his fame, Zoe felt the pressure as a young teen to look a certain way. Zoe entered into a severe eating disorder which she has since been able to recover from.
- Mary Kate Olson- The star’s struggles with anorexia have been publicly discussed within the media for years. Mary Kate has received help for her eating disorder and is now in recovery.
- Hilary Duff- Hilary was just 17 years old when she reached the peak of her eating disorder weighing a mere 98 pounds. Hilary has since realized the unhealthy habits she had and learned to have a healthy relationship with food and her overall body image. Hilary hopes to share the message with other young girls about the importance of a healthy self esteem and body image.
- Jessica Alba- After becoming an actress, Jessica struggled with an eating disorder and wanted to lose any noticeable curves in an attempt to deter any attention that was given to her about her body shape and size. Jessica is now in recovery and speaks openly about her struggles with her eating disorder.
- Jane Fonda- The star struggled with an eating disorder for decades. It wasn’t until Jane reached her 40’s that she noticed the effects that her bulimia was having on her appearance and overall physical health. Jane is now in recovery from her bulimia.
- Lucy Hale- The actress has recently spoken up about her long struggle with body image which would result in her not eating for days to manage her weight. Lucy has since learned how to love herself for who she is and regain a healthy, happy life in recovery.
- Princess Diana- The people’s princess struggled with bulimia throughout her life. SHe was able to recover from her eating disorder, before her untimely passing, and shared about it openly in the public hoping to gain awareness of eating disorders.
- Christina Ricci- The star has opened up publicly about her struggles with anorexia since she was 14 years old. Christina is now in recovery and trying to send a message of hope to others struggling with an eating disorder.
20 Celebrities Who’ve Opened Up About Their Eating Disordershttps://t.co/ofxm0YbKKC
— Exclusive Hawaii Rehab (@hawaii_rehab) December 28, 2021
Holistic Treatment for Eating Disorders at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab
Exclusive Hawaii offers patients living with an eating disorder a treatment program that helps patients to get to the root causes of their eating disorder by diving into the core beliefs that have impacted their body image and relationship with food. Our treatment program works to help patients reframe their core beliefs and learn how to restructure their thinking to one that promotes self-love and acceptance. Our evidence-based treatment models will support patients in learning new life skills and relapse prevention tools that will help them remain healthy and focused on their recovery from an active eating disorder.
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Our deeply-caring staff and the surrounding natural beauty offer an unparalleled healing experience.