Experience True Healing Luxury, Non-12 Step, Holistic Treatment

Our private grounds, luxury setting, and holistic approach to treatment help you to relax, rediscover your authentic self and heal the root causes of addiction.

  • Individualized Treatment
  • Private, 8-Bed Residential Program
  • Safe, Medically-Supervised Detox
  • Located on the Beautiful Big Island of Hawaii
  • Insurance Accepted

Start Your Journey

sunset on Hawaii beach

Real deep level effectiveness, excellent caring staff, unique and life changing program. This program is different than anything else out there. It really helped us address the deepest underlying issues to make permanent changes in our lives.

Dr. Ken Jeremiah

Dr. Ken Jeremiah PGA (Author and Television Personality)
The staff, therapists, doctors, and patients at the Exclusive Hawaii Rehab are incredible. With ocean and volcano views and constant support, this facility helped me completely. I highly recommend it.”


We researched many treatment centers and thanks to you, I’m so glad that we selected Exclusive Hawaii Rehab for my wife’s alcohol addiction. The 30 days at your facility for her was incredible!

She absolutely loved the staff and the facility. They really took good care of her. I was apprehensive when she first went there but talking with her and hearing how good she was being treated and sounded gave me relief.

She has now been alcohol free for two months ~ 30 days at the center and 30 days back home. She is doing incredibly well. She’s back to being her normal, happy, positive self again.

Thank you Exclusive Hawaii Rehab!


The Exclusive excels at customized experiential therapeutic work, which focuses on the underlying issues of the substance abuse. The center is like a loving family; all the staff care deeply about their work.


Beautiful, serene property and cozy home. Every meal is made to order, with love and is so amazing. The staff are the most committed, loving, kind, people who are doing what they were born for.


These folks are the best in their field, and the facilities are incredible.

#1 Meth Detox in O'ahu

The use of methamphetamine has become a nationwide crisis throughout the United States. With its highly addictive components of chemicals that are produced by the manufacturers, typically in home labs, it makes the dangers of using it that much higher. Exclusive Hawaii Rehab –  O’ahu provides a safe and private treatment center that will help you free yourself from the binds of meth use that have been preventing you from your full potential. 

The culture that we create at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab – O’ahu is one of empowerment and healing with a strong tie to building community. When you walk through our doors, you will be treated with the dignity and respect you deserve as you make the positive steps of changing your life. We understand the stigma and shame that can come with having an addiction. We value you as a person and know that you are more than the label of the addict. Labels only work to produce feelings of discomfort and shame. We see you for the incredible and dynamic person that you are. Our goal is to help you realize that you have been managing the best you can with the only tools and strategies that you know. Our supportive team will be with you every step of the way to enlighten you to new ways of coping as well as gain a better understanding of the underlying emotions that have led you to use methamphetamines.

With only 3 treatment centers available in Hawaii, we aim to provide only the best of the best to our executive patients. Through our holistic means of therapy, you will see the importance of taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Through our non 12 step methodology, you won’t be given a standard, one size fits all treatment plan. Our therapeutic team will meet with you to learn about your unique story and build a plan that is specifically tailored to you. Each patient that walks through our doors has their own story and history with addiction so why would we give the same cookie-cutter program to you? We want to help you get to know yourself better and empower you to heal from your past traumas and regain your self-awareness and confidence. 

Experience True Healing

Our deeply-caring staff and the surrounding natural beauty offer an unparalleled healing experience.

Why Choose The Exclusive Hawaii Rehab - O'ahu for Meth Drug Rehab

At Exclusive Hawaii Rehab –  O’ahu, we believe that putting the work into yourself is hard work and you shouldn’t have to go without the comforts of home while you get better. We see treatment as a luxury wellness retreat. We believe that you are coming to treatment to not only rid your life of drug use but also looking to enhance your way of living by improving your overall wellbeing. Our holistic approaches will provide you with opportunities to learn how to give your body and soul the attention and care it needs throughout your daily life to keep you on the path to recovery. 

Going to rehab doesn’t mean that you will have to sit in a room all day talking about how you are feeling. While individual and group therapy sessions are important to help get to the root cause of your addictive behaviors it is important that you have other means of therapy that will help you connect with nature and incorporate your right brain functioning by allowing your creative and imaginative side to come out. We see the benefit in learning experientially as you not only get to have new experiences, you are also helping to see your full potential and challenge yourself with new activities. As you push yourself out of your comfort zone, there will be feelings of anxiety and fear that can arise. For many who are in active addiction, fear and anxiety are emotions that we aren’t used to and typically run away from through our drug use. Through experiential learning, you will see the healthy side of anxiety and fear and learn new ways of coping and managing these feelings. Exclusive Hawaii Rehab – O’ahu offers Experiential Engagement Therapy (EET) that provides you with opportunities to engage in once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to have you immersed in the beautiful Hawaiian landscape. You will be invited to participate in:

  • Swimming and snorkeling in the Pacific ocean 
  • Ziplining 
  • Surf therapy 
  • Dolphin therapy 
  • Music and art therapy 
  • Hiking an active volcano 
  • Experience world-renowned botanical gardens 
  • Walking among the lush vegetation that surrounds our property. 

While you explore the beauty of O’ahu and continue to do the personal introspection work needed, you will notice that emotional work is taxing. It is imperative to listen to your body’s needs, in treatment and outside of treatment, by learning useful and healing methods of taking care of your body’s needs. You will be provided with various treatment methods that will not only help your physical body but will also target the stress and anxiety building within your body and release it in a healthy manner. You are welcome to choose to participate in all or some of the bodywork sessions that we provide. 

  • Acupuncture
  • Massage therapy
  • Reiki
  • Yoga
  • Guided meditation 
  • Conscious breathing exercises 
  • One on one nutritional coaching 
  • Exercise classes 
  • Craniosacral therapy 

First Class Amenities

We value the change you are already embarking on in your recovery and feel that removing you from the comforts of home wouldn’t serve you best. We want to provide you with the opportunity to relax and revitalize in a safe and private space when you finish a day of intensive personal introspection.

Many underestimate the power of a proper night’s sleep rest and how it can affect your mood and ability to cope each day. As you stay with us, you will recognize the importance as you lay back in our comfortable, king or queen-size, canopy beds. You have the option of sharing a room or you are welcome to have a private room. You will also have access to your own private bathroom, a desk area, and large open windows that give views of the stunning Hawaiian landscape. 

In the height of meth addiction, taking the time to properly nourish yourself with food and hydration is a priority that is often put on the back burner. Once you begin your rehab program with us, you will meet with our nutritional coach who will get to know your previous patterns of diet and hydration. From there, you will work out a plan to create a bountiful eating schedule that will nourish your body and soul. Our 4 personal chefs will prepare you luxury, gourmet meals that will peak your tastebuds and have you enjoying your new relationship with food. The food that our chefs prepare for you is all fresh, organic meals that are locally sourced from farmers’ markets in O’ahu. 

Meth Withdrawal

Often when people are considering entering into treatment the thought of detox and how the experience will be for you can feel scary. Not to worry, our experienced team is knowledgeable on the process of meth withdrawal and will be able to provide you with the support you need through holistic measures to keep you comfortable and safe. 

Meth withdrawal symptoms will be different for each person that is entering into detox. Although meth withdrawal is not typically fatal, you will be monitored to ensure your safety is maintained throughout your detox. Some potential symptoms for meth withdrawal are:

  • Fatigue 
  • Strong drug cravings 
  • Anxiety 
  • Fever 
  • Nausea 
  • Confusion 
  • Depression 
  • Excessive sweating 
  • Paranoia Hallucinations 
  • Tremors 
  • Hallucinations 
  • Dehydration 

What Is Meth Detox Like?

When you first begin a detox, you will meet with our physician who will gather information about your history of meth use and medical history. This is to ensure that your detox plan will be created specifically for your needs. You will also meet with our medical director, who is a naturopathic doctor, to go over your treatment goals, fears, and hopes for a life in recovery. Gaining a better understanding of what your ideal self will be like in recovery will help the doctor formulate a plan that facilitates the changes necessary to meet your goals. 

Healing your body requires more than just riding your body to the toxic chemicals of meth. Meth use can lead to the depletion of nutrients and dehydration. You will be given nutritional supplements, and some IV therapy, to help increase your biochemical levels to bring your body to a balanced state. You will offer nutritional coaching while in detox that will provide you insight on foods you should be consuming in your diet that will give you the nutritional value needed to help rebuild your strength. 

Detox from meth can have psychological symptoms that can cause concern for some. Our therapists will be a part of your detox by checking in with you and seeing how you are feeling as you enter the first stage of your rehab journey. Some may experience feelings of severe depression or anxiety, our compassionate counselors will help you process what you are feeling in the moment and help to keep you emotionally safe. 

Experience True Healing

Our deeply-caring staff and the surrounding natural beauty offer an unparalleled healing experience.

How Long Does Detox Last?

A typical meth detox will last up between 7-10 days with the peak onset of symptoms occurring usually by day 3. While you are detoxing, our compassionate team of nurses and physicians will be checking in with you throughout the day to ensure your safety and well-being. We know that there will be some unpleasant moments during detox but we will work with you to get you through the thick of it comfortably. 

For some, you may experience mild symptoms after 10 days of detox. But, the worst of the symptoms will have subsided by then. Typically after 10 days, you will experience strong drug cravings and, for some, there may still be an onset of depression. Rest assured our team will continue to check in with you throughout your time with us, to process any additional symptoms or feelings that are coming up for you. 


What Happens After Detox?

Your luxury rehab journey will begin once you complete your detox process and you are feeling healthier and stronger. You will work collaboratively with your therapist to determine a length of stay in rehab that will be conducive to the recovery goals that you previously set with our medical director. You will have the option of staying for 30, 60, or 90 days. We don’t set the time for you as you know yourself and life best. We will work alongside you to create a specialized rehab plan once you know how long you would like to stay. 

Commonly, it is thought that rehab is a tool to remove your drug of choice from your body and that is the main objective. While it is clearly an important step, it is merely the first step in recovery. The real work comes when you look within to gain perspective on what led you to use meth. Most often, patients realize that there are core beliefs within them that have shaped how they view themselves and how they feel the world views them. More times than not, these are untrue beliefs that you tell yourself which only serve to be self-defeating prophecies. Your holistic treatment plan will center around your emotional intelligence and work to provide you with the adequate tools you need for self-regulation. We use a variety of treatment methods to help increase your emotional awareness within yourself 

  • Core Belief Restructuring:  Looking inwards to understand the beliefs and values that have been instilled in you for many years. Typically we see patients having negative core beliefs that serve to accelerate the negative sense of self and anxieties you have about yourself. The more negatively you perceive yourself, the more you will harbor shame and resentment which only fuels addiction. Our empathetic team will help you reframe your core beliefs to ones that promote self-acceptance and self-love. Ultimately, our goal is for you to get to a place of self-forgiveness which will empower you to see the potential you have and remove the stigma of addiction. 
  • Emotional Fluidity: Learning about your emotions and how to feel them without turning to negative coping strategies. Often, you may feel unsure of what you are feeling or what to do when feelings of anxiety occur. Emotional fluidity will increase your ability to cope with unpleasant (and pleasant) feelings 
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Learning the connection between your behavior and feelings. CBT promotes patients to look at problematic events and decipher the facts rather than catastrophizing thinking that fuels further anxiety. CBT allows patients to slow down and fully process their thoughts and behaviors.
  • Dual Diagnosis Treatment: Provides patients with support with their addiction and mental health concerns. By separating the two, you will gain knowledge and skills on how best to treat them individually while also recognizing the role that they play within each other such as worsening symptoms. 

Anxiety and trauma are no strangers to many that are experiencing addiction. While in your rehab program, your therapist will get to know your history and will determine if you need support around trauma therapy. For many, traumatic memories can produce traumatic responses which many living with addictive behaviors will then turn to substances to quieten the unpleasant reactions. Trauma therapy offered with our rehab programs are:

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
  • Mindful Inquiry 

After your rehab stays, you will be invited to participate in our 6-month aftercare program where you will have the support of a counselor to help you navigate your newfound way of life. There will be challenges that arise for anyone in recovery. Our counselors will debrief these situations and other feelings that are coming up for you as you reintegrate back into your busy lifestyle.

30 Day Meth Rehab in O'ahu

Choosing your length of stay is completely up to you and your preferences. For some, you may need a short time to be away from the busy day-to-day happenings of your executive lifestyle to focus on yourself and your wellbeing. We know that you are intelligent and highly motivated to make the necessary changes in your life. A 30-day stay provides you with the time you need to get your bearings and get settled, build trust with your therapist, and take part in the therapeutic process that is lined out in your rehab schedule. While a 30-day rehab is the minimum length of stay, you are welcome to extend your stay if you feel you need more time when you come to the end of your stay. We always welcome our patients to take the time that they need for personal growth. 

60 Day Meth Rehab in O'ahu

A longer time in rehab only serves you better in your recovery. A 60-day stay will give you the time you need to dive deeper into the emotional burdens of the past to uncover what has been bringing you down with your addictive behaviors. You will give yourself more time with your therapist and the other luxury, holistic means to treatment to continue your path to healing. 

90 Day Meth Rehab in O'ahu

Your meth addiction didn’t occur overnight. It is likely due to years and years of emotions building up and not knowing ways to cope with it. A 90-day stay is an ideal length of time for you to join us if your schedule permits. The longer you stay with us, the more time you have to sort out the underlying emotions that have been impacting you and your addiction. You will have more time to build a strong community with the other patients and learn the skills you need to stay and remain sober. 

Meth Detox & Rehab For High Net Worth Individuals & Celebrities

As high-profile individuals, you want to know that your stay with us will meet your caliber and lifestyle. Our program is specifically designed to reach other high-net-worth individuals and celebrities. You will notice that our capacity for patients is small as we only allow 8 patients at a time. This helps to serve patients with the best care from our medical and therapeutic team. With 30 staff working in our program, there is a high staff-to-patient ratio. This was intentional. We want you to get the proper support you need and want while you are transforming your life. 

There won’t be any concerns of members of the public being alongside you with your therapeutic journey. Our clientele is strictly patients of like-minded, executive individuals like you. The therapeutic process is enhanced when you are able to relate to other patients who have similarities in their own struggles. Peer support and learning from one another is an important piece of therapy. Addiction often leads to isolation and learning how to form supportive relationships with other people is a good starting point in a healthy recovery. Our hope for our patients is to be able to connect with each other and create lasting relationships that will serve to start a strong foundation in recovery. Our facility is designed to keep the eyes of the public out with our walled perimeter and security camera monitoring system. We have employed security staff who have been carefully selected to ensure that they meet your needs of discretion and confidentiality. 

We know that as an executive or celebrity, you have many irons in the fire that require attention. You don’t have the ability to put those aside while you are taking care of your needs. You are encouraged to bring your phone and electronic devices with you. We know that for you to fully focus on your healing process, you will want to have peace of mind that matters at work and home are being tended to. We want rehab to be a place where you can learn the balance of work/life balance while providing yourself with the care and concern you need to succeed long term. 

Experience True Healing

Our deeply-caring staff and the surrounding natural beauty offer an unparalleled healing experience.