Experience True Healing Luxury, Non-12 Step, Holistic Treatment

Our private grounds, luxury setting, and holistic approach to treatment help you to relax, rediscover your authentic self and heal the root causes of addiction.

  • Individualized Treatment
  • Private, 8-Bed Residential Program
  • Safe, Medically-Supervised Detox
  • Located on the Beautiful Big Island of Hawaii
  • Insurance Accepted

Start Your Journey

sunset on Hawaii beach

Real deep level effectiveness, excellent caring staff, unique and life changing program. This program is different than anything else out there. It really helped us address the deepest underlying issues to make permanent changes in our lives.

Dr. Ken Jeremiah

Dr. Ken Jeremiah PGA (Author and Television Personality)
The staff, therapists, doctors, and patients at the Exclusive Hawaii Rehab are incredible. With ocean and volcano views and constant support, this facility helped me completely. I highly recommend it.”


We researched many treatment centers and thanks to you, I’m so glad that we selected Exclusive Hawaii Rehab for my wife’s alcohol addiction. The 30 days at your facility for her was incredible!

She absolutely loved the staff and the facility. They really took good care of her. I was apprehensive when she first went there but talking with her and hearing how good she was being treated and sounded gave me relief.

She has now been alcohol free for two months ~ 30 days at the center and 30 days back home. She is doing incredibly well. She’s back to being her normal, happy, positive self again.

Thank you Exclusive Hawaii Rehab!


The Exclusive excels at customized experiential therapeutic work, which focuses on the underlying issues of the substance abuse. The center is like a loving family; all the staff care deeply about their work.


Beautiful, serene property and cozy home. Every meal is made to order, with love and is so amazing. The staff are the most committed, loving, kind, people who are doing what they were born for.


These folks are the best in their field, and the facilities are incredible.

#1 Inpatient- Residential Alcohol Rehab in O'ahu

With only 3 treatment centers available for residents in Hawaii. Exclusive Hawaii Rehab – O’ahu provides their patients with a life-changing experience that provides patients with a luxury rehab that will heal you from the inside out. Our program is designed to give you a holistic treatment process that will help to gain an understanding of the root causes of your addiction while teaching you the skills you need to live a happy, sober life. 

We believe that our patients are more than a label. While you may have been using alcohol as a means to cope, that doesn’t constitute you as merely an alcoholic. You are doing the best you can with the tools that you know. Our trustworthy team will work with you to gain self-awareness of the traumas and painful memories of the past that have shaped your ability to manage and led to your drinking. Our treatment methods will provide you insight into the core beliefs that have shaped your self-perception and ways of coping with the challenges of day-to-day life. 

You will be given the utmost care as you go through our medically supervised detox and treatment program. We want to get to know you for you – not just your addiction. Your success in our center is based on our ability to create a customized treatment plan that will empower you and initiate change while honoring your level of intelligence and social class. 

Experience True Healing

Our deeply-caring staff and the surrounding natural beauty offer an unparalleled healing experience.

Why Choose Exclusive Hawaii Rehab - O'ahu for Residential Alcohol Rehab

Our mission and philosophy at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab – O’ahu are to provide our patients with a culture of empowerment and care while bridging connections with like-minded individuals. Addiction can be a lonely place sometimes and many lose track of connections whether it be family, friends, or other social circles. We want to help you recognize your importance and ability to love others by building a foundation of empathy and care with other patients and staff. 

Our staff embodies our culture of change and empowerment that they are teaching you by utilizing the same techniques within their lives. Make your journey a collaborative one where you can turn to staff or patients in a time of need while knowing that they understand the therapeutic process. 

Our treatment model is unique as we move away from the industry standard of the 12 step programs and use holistic measures of healing. You will be able to, not only learn more about your previous traumas and painful memories that have impacted your use but also learn the tools you need to maintain a life of sobriety after leaving our facility. Our state-of-the-art methods will teach you that healing requires your body, mind, and soul. Our rehab therapeutic approaches will target your needs physically, emotionally, and spiritually to create a solid foundation for recovery. Our methodologies aim to help your growth in:

  • Emotional fluidity: Learning how to properly feel our emotions and identify them. During addiction, they may turn to alcohol to suppress their feelings rather than learning how to feel their emotions and be able to process them whether the feelings are good or bad. 
  • Core Belief Restructuring: In order to create a lasting change, you need to understand what has been fuelling your addiction all along. No one turns to alcohol misuse by mistake. We strongly believe that your alcohol use is a result of underlying emotions and traumas that have not been addressed. By learning more about your views on yourself and how they have impacted you, you will gain knowledge on how to counteract those with healthy coping mechanisms. 
  • Dual Diagnosis Treatment: For many Americans experiencing substance misuse, there are mental health conditions coinciding with your addiction at the same time. Our goal is to, not only treat your addiction but also provide you with support and proper psychiatric care for your mental health concerns. Allowing you space to learn how to manage your mental health and addictive behaviors without turning to alcohol use. 
  • Experiential Engagement Therapy: Providing you with opportunities to immerse yourself in the beauty of O’ahu while enriching your spiritual needs. As you participate in our luxury weekly excursions in nature, you will begin to develop a  new sense of self while learning positive, healthy coping strategies through new means and hobbies. 

First Class Amenities

The amenities provided to you at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab- O’ahu are the best of the best. We know the hard work you are doing diving deep into the emotions that you have repressed for so long. We want to give you a space that allows for decompressing after a long day. We carefully planned out our property to ensure your comfort and well-being. There are common misconceptions that treatment doesn’t need to include luxury items. We believe this to be untrue. Emotional work is hard work and we see the benefit of you being able to provide yourself with the self-care you need while incorporating some fun along with it. Sobriety is a lifelong journey so why not learn the joys it can bring while you are in our facility. 

A bedroom is a private place of comfort and relaxation. We have thoughtfully designed our rooms to give you an oasis inside of the treatment. Your room will provide you with large king or queen-size beds where you will be able to incorporate a good night’s sleep into your routine again. Each bedroom offers large windows where you can have stunning views of the Hawaiian landscape around you. You have the option of choosing a private room or sharing a room with another patient. 

You will be able to use our inviting lounge areas to converse with other patients or just kick your feet and relax. Our dining area is a quiet space where you will be able to enjoy the gourmet, organic meals that our personal chefs create for you. Are you concerned about specific dietary needs while you are with us? Our chefs look forward to working within your dietary requirements to create delicious meals that you can enjoy. Our food is brought in daily from local farmers’ markets to ensure that you are receiving GMO-free foods that will fuel your body throughout the healing journey you are on.

Our 30-acre estate is surrounded by views of the pacific ocean, palm trees, and on sunny days you can view the dormant, 14,000 ft snow-capped volcano, Mauna Kea. Our grounds are a perfect place to walk among and take in the tranquility that surrounds you as you unwind from the day. 

How Long Is Rehab?

We know that an executive lifestyle is a busy one. You are inundated with responsibilities and deadlines while managing your personal and home life.  You will want to know how long you will need to commit to coming to our facility and removing yourself from the daily grind of work. The good news is that we will work with you to see what will best suit your needs. You are the one driving the bus for your journey. Our team is here to ensure you get to where you want to be on your road to recovery. 

At a minimum, we ask you to stay for 30 days to give time for you to get settled, build relationships with your therapist, and do the emotional work you need to rid yourself of alcohol use. We also allow for more time, should you choose to extend your stay, there are 60 or 90-day rehab options available. 

You will be offered a 6-month aftercare program, regardless of your length of stay, to give you the support you need as you reintegrate into your daily life and maintain sobriety. Many find the first few months have challenges that come up. Unfortunately, getting sober doesn’t take away the stresses of life but with the tools that you have learned, you will be able to manage your stressors in a healthy way. Our counselors will be with you every step of the way as you navigate your way through your newfound life of sobriety. 

30 Day Alcohol Rehab in O'ahu

Some are ready to take the plunge into rehab and are motivated to make changes quickly. You may only need a brief break from your chaotic work life to recenter yourself and remove the power of alcohol from your life. That is okay! A 30-day stay will provide you with the exceptional care that you have come to love from Exclusive Hawaii rehab – O’ahu while still having the opportunities to engage in the various luxury treatment options. 

If you complete your 30-day stay and feel that you want more time to work on your emotional regulation and give yourself more time to heal, you are welcome to stay longer.

60 Day Alcohol Rehab in O'ahu

Choosing to give yourself more time in treatment will only serve you for the better. Some may feel that they need more time to focus on themselves and have the necessary break from the environment that has driven their alcohol use. 

60-day alcohol rehab will allow you the time to get settled, build strong relationships with your therapist and other patients, and gain insight and awareness of past triggers and traumas. The more time you have to build a solid foundation in recovery, the better it will be when you leave our facility and re-enter your daily life. 

90 Day Alcohol Rehab in O'ahu

Taking 90 days in alcohol rehab is the industry ideal as it gives you ample time to focus on yourself and your healing journey. As you work through our holistic treatment methods, you will need time to work with your therapist to uncover the feelings that have been pushed down for so long. The more time you have in learning how to properly feel your emotions by increasing your emotional fluidity and reshaping your core beliefs will only serve you for the better when you leave our doors at the end of your stay. 

Living with addiction can create feelings of distrust towards others. Gifting yourself with a 9- day stay will allow you the time you need to build trust with your therapist and patients in order to get you to a place of being open and vulnerable. Our hope is that you will feel a sense of belonging within the community at Exclusive Hawaii rehab – O’ahu that will show you your capabilities of creating a positive support system when you complete your program. 

Alcohol Rehab For High Functioning Alcoholics in O'ahu

The lifestyle of an executive and high-net-worth individual requires the ability to multitask while maintaining a reputation within the business world. Many patients that enter our facility have been able to mask their alcohol use in order to uphold the image they need for work as well as their family life. 

A high-functioning alcoholic is able to keep up with the demands put on them whether they be business, family, or social but at the end of the day, most times in secret, alcohol is used to cope with the multilayers of stress being put on you. For many high functioning alcoholics, it can be difficult to know when their alcohol use is a problem because they are able to manage the responsibilities in their life without the experience of ‘hitting rock bottom’ that is commonly heard about. 

It is important to ask yourself these questions if you are unsure

  • Do I turn to alcohol when life is stressful and demanding?
  • Do I hide my alcohol use from loved ones or co-workers?
  • Do I drink throughout the day?
  • Do I binge drink in the evenings or on weekends?
  • Do I feel ashamed or embarrassed of my alcohol use?

Chances are if any of these were yes then you could be living as a high-functioning alcoholic. Remember, you are doing the best you can with the tools you have available. We see you as more than your alcohol use and want to empower you to do the same. 

Luxury Alcohol Rehab in O'ahu

Treatment shouldn’t be removing you from the things that bring you joy in order to create change. Actually, treatment should be a stepping stone for the rest of your life which is why your rehab program should reflect your lifestyle by providing you with the comforts of home. Your success will be higher if you are learning the skills and techniques in an environment that reflects your home environment. That is why we designed our luxury alcohol rehab to meet your standards of comfort and relaxation. 

Our treatment program is custom-designed to meet your individual needs. You will meet with our medical director, a naturopathic doctor, who will create a personalized detox and treatment plan that will encourage optimal growth and success in your path to sobriety. By incorporating holistic treatment methods, you will learn the importance of taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually. 

O’ahu is known for its breathtaking sights and culture of acceptance and peace. While you are with us, you will be able to partake in healing methods that you can incorporate into your daily routine once you leave to increase your chance of success in sobriety. By learning new hobbies and activities that may interest you, it will help you gain insight into the little things that bring you joy in life or help you think of further activities you would like to try. As we learn new skills or try different things, we are engaging your brain by creating new connections and building self-confidence through these therapy modalities:

  • Dolphin therapy 
  • Swimming and snorkeling excursions 
  • Surf therapy 
  • Equine-assisted therapy 
  • Exploring and hiking active volcanoes 
  • Taking in the sights and beauty as you walk through world-renowned botanical gardens 
  • Walking amongst nature throughout our serene property. 

Taking care of our physical needs through holistic measures not only improves our body’s physical functioning but also engages new strategies on how to relieve yourself of stress and tension that arises through these treatment formats that you can utilize when you are in our facility and after you leave and return home. 

You will be invited to participate in:

  • Acupuncture 
  • Reiki
  • Massage therapy 
  • Yoga 
  • Meditation 
  • One on one nutritional coaching
  • Conscious breathing exercises 
  • Craniosacral therapy 
  • Mindfulness activities 
  • Herbal supplements provided
  • Emotional regulation practices 
  • Art and music therapy 

As you engage in these activities you will begin to heal your body physically but also notice the emotional release these therapies can facilitate. When you return home, you will be able to use these methods to approach any triggering or stressful moments to aid in self-regulation. 


Exclusive & Secure Inpatient Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program In O'ahu

Going through treatment is a personal journey. We know that as high profile individuals the spotlight is typically on you throughout your every move. You may have concerns about your time with us becoming public knowledge. Rest assured that our trustworthy team is expert in working with high net worth individuals and understands the pressures that are placed on you by the public. This is why we work hard to create a safe haven for our patients to come and work on themselves with the comfort of knowing their dignity and public reputations are maintained. 

Our property is located in a remote location that is far off the main road to avoid the public looking in. The walled perimeter surrounding our property, monitoring camera system, and security staff all work to make our property paparazzi-proof. Giving you the comfort in knowing that your sobriety journey is yours alone. 

We know that in order for true vulnerability and openness to change, you need to feel like you are in a safe environment. With our high staff ratio to patients, our compassionate team is available at any time when you need them to make you feel at ease and support you in your healing journey. Our counselors and medical team will check in with you daily to ensure that your treatment plan is still meeting your recovery goals. Should any revisions need to be made, your treatment schedule can be adjusted to meet the changing dynamics of your recovery process. 


Alcoholism Treatment For High Networth Individuals & Celebrities in O'ahu

When you are choosing to enter into residential alcohol rehab, you will want to know that you are going to be given privacy and security while you are embarking on the journey of healing. Exclusive Hawaii Rehab provides our executive and high-net-worth clients with a luxury rehab that respects your background and dignity while you are transforming your life. 

Our 8-bed facility provides you with a small cohort within the treatment of like-minded individuals. You will have comfort in knowing that you will be in a facility that is not overcrowded or has members of the general public but rather other celebrity and high net worth individuals with you.  Allowing you the space to be able to relate to one another and feel comfortable quicker with patients from similar backgrounds. Our hope is that you will begin to create positive connections within your group therapy sessions that will provide relevant feedback and discussions to accelerate your success. Treatment can be a time that facilitates bonds between patients that can last a lifetime. We want to provide you with an environment that allows you to let people into your life again and create a trusting, supportive network of sober friends. 

As high net worth and executive individuals, we know that industry-standard programming won’t spark your interest and intelligence, leading it to be an ineffective model for you. This is why we designed our methods of treatment to keep you engaged with relevant information and techniques that can be applied when you complete rehab and return home. Our expert therapists have a complete understanding of the dynamics of the men and women, like you, with compounding responsibilities and stressors. Collaboratively, you both will work to find strategies that will help you remain successful in your path to recovery. 

Experience True Healing

Our deeply-caring staff and the surrounding natural beauty offer an unparalleled healing experience.