Experience True Healing Luxury, Non-12 Step, Holistic Treatment

Our private grounds, luxury setting, and holistic approach to treatment help you to relax, rediscover your authentic self and heal the root causes of addiction.

  • Individualized Treatment
  • Private, 8-Bed Residential Program
  • Safe, Medically-Supervised Detox
  • Located on the Beautiful Big Island of Hawaii
  • Insurance Accepted

Start Your Journey

sunset on Hawaii beach

#1 Meth Detox – Honolulu

Meth (methamphetamine) is a potent stimulant drug that is also known as a shard, ice, crank, glass, or crystal meth. It looks like small blue or white rocks, powder, or small pieces of glass, and can be made using a combination of household chemicals. Meth is typically smoked or snorted, but it can also be ingested orally, or dissolved in a solution and injected. Meth is highly addictive and, as it is a street drug made in unregulated labs, maybe cut with additives to increase profits.

As meth stimulates the central nervous system and increases the dopamine in your brain, it provides feelings of pleasure and a sense of well-being and energy, making you feel more social and talkative, increasing your activity while decreasing your appetite.

The effects of this drug only last momentarily, and the crash is unpleasant, with depression, weakness, physical exhaustion, and discomfort caused by the comedown, so many people will try to keep the high going as long as possible, forgoing sleep, food, and life responsibilities to use more meth. Eventually, the original euphoria wears off and issues like psychosis, dehydration, delusions, hallucinations, pain, and aggression appear. The longer the use continues the worse the comedown feels, creating a cycle of meth use that is difficult to get out of.

Some of the signs of meth addiction include:

  • Being unable to stop using meth or cut back on your own, even when you really want to
  • Mood swings, major behavior changes that happen quickly, and aggressive or chaotic behavior
  • Keeping stashes of meth and paraphernalia around the house and on your person
  • Burns on your fingers or lips, nosebleeds, dilated pupils, track marks, and sores on the skin from scratching
  • Intense weight loss, and changes in eating and sleeping habits
  • Isolation from your friends and family to hide meth use
  • Fast, rambling speech, talking and moving more than usual, and having excessive energy
  • Having withdrawal symptoms and strong cravings when you try to stop using meth

Long-term meth use can have serious effects on the body and mind, so stopping meth use right away will give you the best chance of regaining your health and getting your life back on track. Exclusive Hawaii Rehab can help. We are a luxury rehab center with experienced and professional medical, psychological, and holistic caregivers who know how to keep you comfortable and healthy as you stop your meth use in our safe, sober environment.

Through our open culture of acceptance, you will become empowered to explore your inner self, questioning your own beliefs and exploring your own points of view as you learn to practice new coping strategies and get to the underlying root of your addiction through our integrated program of therapy, health care, counseling, and holistic treatments.

At Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, we do not label you as an addict., because labels are unproductive and can carry negative stigmas. We know that you are somebody who has complex ideas, wisdom, and a full spectrum of feelings that we want to help you explore, figuring out what your core values truly are, and whether or not they continue to serve you. We can help you make long-term behavioral changes, create a new mindset and meet realistic goals in your recovery.

Experience True Healing

Our deeply-caring staff and the surrounding natural beauty offer an unparalleled healing experience.

Why Choose Exclusive Hawaii Rehab for Meth Drug Rehab – Honolulu

Meth abuse can have long-term effects on the mind and body if not treated. These may include issues like:

  • Malnutrition and extreme weight loss
  • Sores and track marks on the skin
  • Dental, lung, and/or cardiovascular problems
  • Anxiety, mood swings, and aggressive behavior
  • Insomnia
  • Increased risk of stroke and Parkinson’s disease
  • Damage to brain cells and memory loss
  • increased risk-taking behavior like driving under the influence or sharing needles
  • Inability to feel pleasure due to changes in the reward centers of the brain
  • Temporary or recurring bouts of psychosis

At Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, because we have a naturopathic doctor onsite, as well as full medical care, mental health care, and holistic practitioners, we can help you resolve these issues, manage your health, and grow strong once again. Meth use can cause a lot of problems, but we will help you take back control of your life. Some of the therapies and treatments we offer include:

Some of the treatments we offer include:

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
  • Stimulus Belief Response
  • Nature Immersion
  • Person-Centered Therapy
  • Trauma-Informed Therapy
  • Life Contract Work
  • Mission Therapy
  • Redefining Self Narrative
  • Personal Responsibility Work
  • Art Therapy and Journaling
  • Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Co-Occurring Mental Health Issues
  • Harm Reduction Education
  • Nutritional Therapy and Counseling
  • Traditional Hawaiian Therapies and Ceremonies

We also have experiential therapy, which varies due to the time of year and availability of the activities but may include outings such as:

  • Visiting world-renowned botanical gardens
  • Going to the beach for sunbathing, snorkeling, or surfing
  • Dolphin therapy
  • Equine therapy
  • Going zip-lining
  • Hiking active volcanoes to find incredible waterfalls

As a non-12-step facility, we believe you are an intelligent, well-rounded person who does not need to be lectured, nor do we purport to have all the answers. Rather than giving you “steps” you must follow and trying to fit you into a box, we believe that one-size-fits-all solutions do not work for everybody and instead ask questions and allow you to access your inner strength and wisdom, coming to your own conclusions about your health. By stopping unhelpful thoughts and behaviors and replacing them with healthy coping mechanisms, you will be much more likely to avoid relapse and remain in recovery long-term.

First Class Amenities

At Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, we hold ourselves to a high standard in all aspects of our programs. From the cleanliness of the rooms to the highly trained staff to our effective treatment programs, you will not find yourself disappointed. Our luxury facility offers:

  • Access to some of the best doctors, holistic practitioners, nutritionists, and therapists available
  • A high staff-to-patient ratio (8 patients to 30+ staff members)
  • A tranquil tropical setting with gorgeous views of the Pacific Ocean, Mauna Kea volcano, and palm trees
  • Shared or private rooms that are clean and bright, with a writing desk, canopy bed, and private lanai
  • A naturopathic doctor who can balance nutritional deficiencies with supplementation and vitamins
  • Four private gourmet chefs who make whole, balanced meals from local, non-GMO, organic food
  • Convenient proximity to a private jet airport and Hilo International Airport
  • the opportunity to gain a deep and grounding connection with nature through our adventure excursions and outdoor therapy
  • holistic treatments that will not only help you detoxify and heal, but also promote relaxation and rest, like guided meditation, yoga, Pilates, acupuncture, and massage therapy

With these first-class amenities at your fingertips, your stay in Exclusive Hawaii Rehab will be restorative, calming, and rejuvenating.

Meth Withdrawal

Symptoms of meth withdrawal may include:

  •   Fatigue/lethargy/sleepiness
  •   Increased appetite
  •   Jitteriness
  •   Dry mouth
  •   Depression/apathy/hopelessness/suicidal thoughts
  •   Paranoia
  •   Hallucinations
  •   Delusions

Extreme meth cravings during detox can be difficult to handle, and although they do not last for a long time, usually only a few days, they are so intense they cause many people to relapse when they try to detox at home. Being inside a rehab facility, away from temptations in a supportive environment can make all the difference to many people.

It is also important to detox from meth under medical and psychological oversight, like severe depression, dehydration, and psychosis are common, especially in patients who have pre-existing or co-occurring conditions, as well as in older patients. At Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, we are equipped to take care of any such health issues that may come up, while also providing additional counseling, therapy, and holistic treatment to ensure you feel safe, and are able to deal with any emotions, trauma, or pain that might come up during this time.

What is Meth Detox Like?

Before you, even check-in at Exclusive Hawaii Rx drug rehab, a full medical and psychiatric screening occurs in an offsite doctor’s office so that they can make sure you are physically and mentally healthy and strong enough to detox outside of a hospital. Once you are given the okay, you can move directly into your detox program. We will help you get through your meth withdrawal symptoms using a combination of:

  • Medical oversight and treatment to ensure you remain safe and healthy
  • Evidence-based therapy to help you through anxiety and difficult emotions
  • Holistic treatments to help you deal with any mental or physical discomfort
  • Dual diagnosis treatments for co-existing mental health issues
  • Nutritional therapy to help your body rebalance itself and gain strength
  • Yoga, movement, and acupuncture to help the body remove toxins
  • Mindfulness techniques, meditation, and body/mind integration techniques to help you find peace and comfort, helping you be present within yourself as your body heals

You will never feel alone during your detox, as our nursing staff and other workers will check in on you frequently to ensure you are doing well, and there will always be somebody you can talk to if you need additional support, 24 hours a day. Our team will help you tap into your innate resiliency to help you get through this difficult time without suffering.

Experience True Healing

Our deeply-caring staff and the surrounding natural beauty offer an unparalleled healing experience.

How Long Does Detox Last?

Detox is different for every person, but with meth, the withdrawal timeline is unique to many other drugs, in that it is mainly a psychological and emotional withdrawal with associated physical symptoms. Most symptoms of meth withdrawal, other than dehydration and mental health problems are not physically dangerous, but this period is still very difficult for a lot of people and requires professional help. The timeline for detox in a typical meth user is as follows:

  • In 24 hours after last use – symptoms appear
  • In 7-10 days – withdrawal increases in intensity, reaching its peak
  • In 14-20 days – you will feel a bit better each day, with a steady decline of symptoms

What Happens After Detox?

After detox, your rehab program fully begins. The therapy and counseling you were receiving during detox will continue, and as you gain strength you will be included in more group therapy, adventure therapy, and other types of treatments. At Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, our programs are given in 30-day increments, with most of our patients staying for 30 to 90 days, depending on their individual needs. In that time, you will:

  • Uncover and address the roots of your addiction and heal from within
  • Forgive yourself, releasing self-criticism and shame, as you address underlying fear, trauma, and pain
  • Work on becoming vulnerable and opening up so you can reconnect with loved ones
  • Change unhelpful thoughts and behaviors into more useful actions
  • Learn to deal with discomfort and stress without turning to drugs
  • Become empowered, finding your own way to becoming your best self using the treatments, therapies, and coping mechanisms that best suit your unique needs as an individual

Once you have completed your time at the best rehab in Honolulu, we have an optional virtual outpatient program you can join up to one week after you return home. This is 15 or 30 hours of online therapy, keeping you connected to sober support and helping you stay on track for a full year.

30 Day Meth Rehab – Honolulu

30 days of rehab is the minimum time we recommend for any rehab program. In one month, you will be able to solidify a new mindset and behavioral patterns that can create core changes that will help you maintain your sobriety once you return home. If you have a solid support network and are highly motivated in your recovery, a 30-day program may be right for you.

60 Day Meth Rehab – Honolulu

Spending 60 days in our inpatient rehab program will give you enough time away from life’s everyday stress and pressures to gain a fresh perspective and focus on creating a balance between your physical, mental and spiritual wellness. If you have a co-occurring condition or are experiencing prolonged withdrawal symptoms, a 60-day program is recommended so you can get a good grasp on your physical and mental health.

90 Day Meth Rehab – Honolulu

90 days in rehab will provide you with enough time in our treatment center to truly be able to try out all the different types of therapy, treatments, and experiences we have to offer, figuring out what works best for you. If you have a history of relapse or have a dual diagnosis, a 90-day treatment is recommended. We can also offer the option of a longer stay if you do not feel ready to return home after your time with us, if there is room at the facility.

Meth Detox & Rehab for High Net Worth Individuals and Celebrities

High net worth individuals and celebrities deserve to feel as comfortable and safe as anybody else would while in treatment, which is why at our luxury facility we offer 24-hour security with motion-sensor cameras, a paparazzi-proof location that is not visible from the road, and a walled-in perimeter to keep unwanted individuals out. We value discretion and will ensure your privacy remains intact during your stay with us so you can relax, let go and absorb your treatments completely.

Meth Detox for High Networth Individuals & Celebrities – Honolulu

High net worth individuals, executives, and celebrities have different needs than other guests may have, so we ensure that our service, accommodations, treatments, and amenities are all top tier. For executive patients who cannot take a full 30 to 90 days away from work, we provide an extra-flexible program in which treatments can be moved around so you can take an important phone call or attend an online meeting. We even offer private, quiet work areas.

At Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, you will detox and rehabilitate in a beautiful, luxurious, tranquil Hawaiian setting, remaining safe and comfortable, and gaining recovery and self-improvement skills that will last you a lifetime. Contact us today to learn more about luxury meth rehab, how to go to rehab in Hawaii, holistic meth rehab treatments, and more. We are here to help you and we are only a phone call away. 

Experience True Healing

Our deeply-caring staff and the surrounding natural beauty offer an unparalleled healing experience.