What Are the Right Reasons to Start a Healing Program?

There is a difference between telling someone they need help and a person genuinely wanting to get help. Everyone’s healing journey is different, and it should also be for the right reasons. Not to make someone else happy or to get them off your back, but for yourself and out of your own will. The journey of healing requires effort and willingness to learn. Learning how to communicate your needs, rediscover yourself, and work to manage addiction is all part of healing. If you are looking to start a healing program, reach out for help today. At Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, we work together with individuals who are looking to find true healing.
What Is a Healing Program?
A healing program focuses on the wellness of the mind, body, and spirit. Healing programs help individuals rediscover themselves, work on recovery from addiction, and build meaningful connections in their lives. Every healing program is different. It is important to choose one that offers personalized, compassionate care that meets your unique needs.
What Are the Right Reasons to Start a Healing Program?
Your healing journey is unique in the way that it is your own, not anyone else’s. Many people facing challenges with addiction may find that they want to start their healing journey for various reasons. They may recognize how much addiction has impacted their life and their health, or they may have gotten to the point where they realize how dangerous their behaviors are becoming. Or, they may have decided that the life they are living is not what they want and are taking steps to get help.
Family members and friends are most often well-intentioned when it comes to concerns about getting help with addiction. They may urge their loved ones to seek help, and they might even get them to get help. But commonly, when individuals are almost forced to get help and don’t want it, the results may not turn out as wished. To find true healing, a person has to want to find it for themselves. If they are not willing to go through the healing process for themselves, it can be hard to receive the help that is being offered.
Why Should I Start a Healing Program?
Substance abuse and addiction can affect every aspect of your life: your mind, body, and spirit. It can take a toll on a person’s quality of life, physical and mental health, relationships, and much more. True healing changes a person’s life and even sometimes saves them. Finding healing is important for not only your health but your overall wellness and way of living.
What Are the Three Aspects of Healing?
There is something called the “biopsychosocial model,” which recognizes a relationship between three aspects of a person’s life. These three aspects include the bodily, mental, and social aspects. When this model is used in regard to healing, it highlights the importance of wellness in every aspect of a person’s life. Understanding the connection between these three aspects can help a person understand the root cause of their problems. But also understand how they manifest in their lives and how to work on resolving these problems.
The biological aspect focuses on one’s physical health. Substance abuse and addiction can change and harm many physical systems and functions and lead to both short and long-term physical health problems.
The psychological aspect focuses on the mental and emotional wellness that is connected to behavior. With addiction, mental health disorders and substance use often go hand-in-hand. A person may turn to substances as a way to cope with mental health challenges or also experience mental health challenges as a result of substance use. When starting your path to healing, it is important that you address the underlying problems and what is truly going on inside.
Lastly, the social aspect refers to a person’s interactions, connections, and involvement in their community. When a person is isolated or secluded, it can impact the way they feel both physically and mentally and affect their ability to create meaningful relationships.
How Do I Start a Healing Program?
Everyone starts their healing process in different places. When a person starts their healing journey, they should think about what they want, how they want to feel, how they want their life to be, and how they want to take the next steps. Taking steps toward healing can be hard, so reaching out for professional help can get you the support and guidance you need.
When it comes to paving your own path to healing, some things may help you start, including:
- Learning how to set boundaries and communicating them
- Advocating for yourself
- Make a list of things that may help you feel better
- Work on changing negative thoughts into positive ones
- Develop an action plan for relapse prevention and recovery
However, starting your healing journey can feel overwhelming, and it can be hard to even know where to start. Learning new things and taking the next steps can be challenging, and what helps is reaching out for help. Reach out to someone you trust or directly to a professional to help you start your journey to healing. You don’t have to figure everything out in one day or make all these decisions on your own. But it is important that you make decisions for yourself and your needs.
What Are the First Steps to Start a Healing Program?
If you are considering starting a healing program, you are already taking a step toward healing. One of the biggest steps in starting a healing program is reaching out for help. It can be helpful to do research based on what you are looking for, whether it is substance abuse treatment, mental health treatment, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) treatment, dual diagnosis treatment, etc. Everyone has different needs and lives that impact the choices they make when it comes to starting and choosing a healing program. To start, simply asking questions and figuring out what is important to you can help give you some clarity into the right fit for you.
What Are Common Challenges When It Comes to Starting Your Healing Journey?
Starting your healing journey can come with various challenges. This may include challenges such as substance use itself, being in unhealthy or unsupportive relationships and environments, self-destructive behaviors, or struggling to take care of yourself. All of these things can contribute to negative thought and behavior cycles and make it difficult for someone to reach out for help. Even if someone wants to get help, things like this may hold them back from taking the first step.
To overcome these challenges, it is helpful to have professional support, attend therapy, reach out to someone you trust, join a support group, or find a healing program that works best for you and your needs. Taking things one day at a time can help ease your worries and help you focus on the present moment. Determining what is best for you and having a strong support network can help you overcome many of the challenges you face on your path to healing.
How Do I Communicate With Loved Ones When I Start a Healing Program?
Talking to loved ones about your healing journey can be a difficult topic. You may not know where to start or feel comfortable sharing certain things about your life. What is important is to share what you are comfortable with, learn how to set boundaries, and learn how to have healthy communication with your loved one.
You may want to have them closely involved throughout your healing journey, or you may decide you need some space to heal. It is you who decides how you want to pave your path to healing. Letting them know that you are getting help or going away to a healing program for a certain amount of time can let them know that you are safe and that you have support, but you should not be starting your healing journey just to give them relief.
Often, it is beneficial for individuals to involve their loved ones in their healing journey in some way. For example, at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, we encourage communication and involvement from loved ones, not only for the support but so you can learn how to work on managing triggers, coping mechanisms, or communication skills. At Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, we encourage family members or close friends to visit at least once during your stay and take part in family therapy to work together and address any underlying problems that may be present.
However, for some people, taking space from certain people or stressors can be beneficial to their healing, and we support that as well. At the end of the day, we want you to have the confidence and freedom to make your own decisions on your healing journey for yourself.
Who Can I Talk to About Different Options That I Have?
Many people may hold off on reaching out for help because they don’t know who to talk to. If you are unsure, it can be helpful to talk to someone you trust, even if it is not a family member. They can help you connect with professional resources or just be there for support throughout the process. Researching different healing programs based on your needs, such as location, insurance coverage, privacy, luxury, exclusivity, serenity, etc., can help you find the perfect match and talk to representatives who can answer your questions or direct you to the right place.
What Does It Mean to Heal at the Core Root Level?
Many traditional treatment programs focus on talk therapy and medicine as an approach to healing. While these things may help some people, traditional therapies may not get to the core root of the problem and only offer temporary healing. Healing at the core root level means healing the mind, body, and spirit. It means healing at the cellular level and truly addressing what is going on both inside and outside.
How to Find the Right Healing Program
Finding the right healing program may be overwhelming. You may not know where to start, who to ask for help, or which one to choose from your options. Researching different healing programs to start can help you keep your options open and find a starting point. If you want help finding the right fit, it can help to have someone you trust or call different healing programs and get any questions you may have answered. Making a list of what you are looking for out of a healing program, your goals, and your values can help you find a fit that lines up with your healing journey.
How Can I Implement Healing Into My Daily Life?
Healing does not only happen at a center or in a program but in your everyday life, too. Transitioning into or out of a healing program can pose some challenges when it comes to adjusting to everyday life. Implementing new habits and strategies into your routine can take effort and commitment, too.
Some ways to continue to work on true healing in your daily life can include:
- Practicing mindful eating
- Getting daily physical exercise/movement
- Going outside and being exposed to bright light
- Practicing mindfulness and meditation
- Prioritizing self-care
- Building meaningful connections with loved ones and the community
- Spending more time doing things you love
- Bodywork
How Can I Prevent Relapse After I Start a Healing Program?
It is important to know that relapse is a normal part of recovery. Relapse does not mean you have failed or that all the work you have done on yourself to heal is for nothing. If relapse occurs, it is important to have a strong support system you can go to for help and to reconnect with yourself. The journey of healing comes with highs and lows. However, it is also important to know that different relapse prevention strategies can help you minimize the risk of relapse but also have an action plan on what to do in case relapse does happen.
Relapse prevention often incorporates three different stages of relapse, including “emotional relapse,” “mental relapse,” and “physical relapse.” During the stage of “emotional relapse,” a person may not be thinking about using substances again but may be thinking about their last relapse or past experiences that may be difficult to cope with. They may start isolating themselves, become less involved in therapy or meetings, or may start practicing unhealthy sleeping or eating patterns. During “emotional relapse,” it is important for individuals to focus on taking care of themselves but also to identify and recognize these signs to prevent further relapse progression. Self-care is a major part of relapse prevention that can be incorporated into everyday life.
During “mental relapse,” a person may face internal challenges about whether or not to remain abstinent or to return to using substances again. They may start to crave a substance, think about things associated with substance use, lie, or start to plan ways to use it again. Relapse prevention strategies can help avoid this stage. For example, your provider or support system may help you plan if you are attending a social event or trip or if it is a holiday. Your support system can help you learn and use tools and strategies that help reduce and manage the urge to go back to substance use.
During “physical relapse,” a person returns to substance use. If a person gets to this point in recovery, it is crucial to reach out for help and know that you are not alone.
What Is Exclusive Hawaii Rehab’s Healing Program Like?
At Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, we provide personalized treatment that involves a wide range of different treatments and healing methods that promote true healing at the core root level. We offer luxury, serenity, privacy, and exclusivity for individuals looking to heal from addiction, trauma, mental health disorders, dual diagnosis, and much more. Through a wide range of healing methods, using a holistic approach with a medical background, our compassionate team is there to act as your partner through your healing journey.
When facing challenges with substance abuse or addiction, starting your healing journey can be difficult and overwhelming. While loved ones may be well-intentioned, you should not start a healing program to appease others. Rather, you should start your path to healing for yourself. Everyone’s story and timeline are different, but you should have the freedom to make your own choices and decisions about your life. To start a healing program, the first step is to reach out for help. At Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, our healing program focuses on true healing at the core root level. To learn more about what we offer and our holistic approach with a medical background, call (808) 775-0200.