Alcohol Addiction Quiz Addiction Recovery Publishing January 16, 2023 Alcohol Addiction Quiz Fill out the quiz below to get an assessment if you or someone you care about is suffering Full Name * Email * Phone When you are feeling sad, do you have a few drinks to ease the pain? Yes No None Do you notice that you can handle a lot more alcohol now than you could when you first started? Yes No None Have you had blackouts after drinking? Yes No None Is drinking a big highlight of your day? Yes No None Do you plan your social life according to the events that will include alcohol? Yes No None Let's say that you drank a lot at a party last night. You didn't pass out or black out. The next day your friends tell you that you said certain things you don't recall saying at all. Does this happen to you? Yes No None Do your family members and/or friends tell you that you drink too much? Yes No None Have you lost friendships because of your drinking? Yes No None Do you ever have an alcoholic drink in the morning? Yes No None Have you ever had a DUI or DWI? Yes No None Do you have other family members that drink large amounts of alcohol or always include drinking alcohol in their daytime activities? Yes No None Do you ever feel guilty about drinking? Yes No None Are there days where you stay drunk for more than 24 hours? Yes No None When you try to drink less, do you find that you get to the point where you feel so bad - but a drink pulls you out of it? Yes No None Do you have any of these: fatigue, worsening memory, wake up with abdominal discomfort, episodes where your body shakes, or nausea? Yes No None Do you feel socially inept whenever there's no alcohol at a party? Yes No None Is it rare for you to eat three meals in a day? Yes No None Do you try to keep your drinking a secret from your family or coworkers? Yes No None Have you had arguments with family and friends about your drinking habits? Yes No None Are you afraid to go without alcohol during the day? Yes No None Have you had any blackouts recently? Yes No None Do you ever get withdrawal headaches, feel depressed, or feel suicidal on days when you don't drink? Yes No None Do you rearrange your budget to insure that alcohol is always in the house and may even replace some foods? Yes No None Time's up