Healing Powers of Hawaii

Hawaiian cultures have long thrived due to the impressively unique environment brought on by living on a giant volcano, with the beautiful surrounding Pacific Ocean around it.
It is no coincidence that Hawaii is one of the most sought-after tour spots and that people come back to the mainland (of wherever they are from) feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
With the beautiful weather, wonderfully clean ocean waters, and cultures that go back millennia, there are absolutely healing powers associated with Hawaii, and just about everyone I have spoken to has shared the same sentiment.
What is the Healing Power of Hawaii
In a classic paper authored by Hawaiian natives, Noa Emmett Aluli, M.D. and Davianna Pomaika’i McGregor, PhD, they describe the connection between Hawaii and the health of its inhabitants.
They begin their essay as follows: “A reflection on the role of the land in the health of Native Hawaiians must begin with the origins of Native Hawaiians from the life forces of the land, as traced through mo’oku’auhau or family genealogies. From this source, emerges the central role of the land in the health and well-being of Native Hawaiians, and unfolding from this relationship, Native Hawaiians have long believed in the power of the land to heal individuals, families, communities, and the nation. Specifically, Native Hawaiians have identified specific places and natural resources which have healing powers.
Experience True Healing
Our deeply-caring staff and the surrounding natural beauty offer an unparalleled healing experience.
A Tradition of Healing: Hawaii
The healing places are visited and honored during key events in the cycle of life, from conception to birth, family relations, death, and beyond. Resources of the land – stones, water, and plants – are used for healing and for nourishment. In taking care of the land, Native Hawaiians provide for our own health and nourishment.
This is conveyed, for example, in the traditional saying, He ali’i ka ‘aina; he kauwa ke kanaka / The land is a chief; humans are its servants. The land has no need for humans, but humans need the land and work upon it for livelihood.
Finally, the ancestral lands passed on to Native Hawaiian descendants from our ali’i, the monarchy, and our kupuna are integral to the health and wellbeing of Native Hawaiians as a people. We want to note that, traditionally, the land and the ocean are inseparable and there are many coastal areas that are essential to Native Hawaiian health and healing.
It is important to understand the idea that the land does not need the people, but rather vice versa, the people need the land. This understanding from thousands of years ago could help us all to better survive and thrive, but until recently we did not have this knowledge readily available to us like the ancient Hawaiians.
The Role of the Pacific Ocean in Hawaiian Culture

As well as sacred land, there are artifacts in and around the water that bring healing powers to those who use them correctly.
According to legend, “In Lahaina, Maui, over the sea wall at the ocean end of Lahaina Power & Light is the Hauola Stone which according to legend is a young girl who the gods turned to stone to save her from enemies. Kahuna La’au Lapa’au, Hawaiian herbal medical healers sent their patients to bathe in the sacred sea water at this stone and many were cured.
Elspeth Sterling describes Hauola and its healing power in her work ‘Sites of Maui:’ “The rock that looks like a modern chair with a spacious seat and a small angular back is the healing rock, the front of which is worn hollow. Hawaiians believe that ailing people had only to sit in the seat, dangle their legs in the water, and let the waves wash over them to regain their health.”
No matter how skeptical a person can be, who can argue with the heritage and wonderful history of one of the earth’s oldest surviving civilizations?
It is through these pathways and these ancient ways of healing that many visitors find themselves rejuvenated, or even reborn when finally returning from Hawaii.
Exclusive Hawaii Rehab forms the perfect hosts to experience the healing powers of Hawaii, utilizing all that the Island has to offer and allowing their clients to immerse themselves in something truly magical.
Polynesian Paralysis Allows for Focus on Recovery
Polynesian paralysis refers to the ease and comfort felt when indulging in the calm and peaceful island life that is the Hawaiian way.
According to The Honolulu Star Bulletin, “Robert C. Schmitt is a prolific author and “Distinguished Historian” of Hawaii. Between 1949 and 1995, Schmitt authored more than 200 professional articles and wrote several books, including 17 articles in the Hawaii Medical Journal (now the Hawaiʻi Journal of Health & Social Welfare).
Experience True Healing
Our deeply-caring staff and the surrounding natural beauty offer an unparalleled healing experience.
The Legend of the Lotus Eater in Hawaii
In the November 1995 issue of the Hawaii Medical Journal, he relates Polynesian paralysis to “lotus-eating”. A “lotus eater” generally refers to a person who leads a life of dreamy, indolent ease, indifferent to the busy world, or a daydreamer. Schmitt concludes his article by noting that life expectancy in Hawaii is the highest of any of the 50 states.
In a recent article by Travel and Leisure, the magazine reiterates that Hawaiians continue to have the longest life expectancy in America and that Hawaii is considered one of the healthiest states in the USA.
The Travel and Leisure article references a study published in the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) that found the average life expectancy for a Hawaiian from birth is the longest in the country. Hawaiians also have one of the lowest rates of depression in the country as well.
There is no reference to Polynesian paralysis on the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website because Polynesian paralysis is not a disease or medical condition. Polynesian paralysis is usually referred to a mental state with symptoms of happiness, relaxation, euphoria, and a deep sense of meaning and contentment.
Embracing the Healing Powers of Hawaii for Recovery
This mood of relaxation and feelings of general ease is perfect for a person to focus on their recovery and cast out the figurative and literal demons that may have them under their spell in addiction.
There is no doubt that while attending the Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, a great sense of Polynesian Paralysis will overcome even the most neurotic, or the most anxious chemically dependent person. It is this combination of set, setting, and therapy that can change a person’s life permanently.
Ancient Hawaiian Rites of Healing and Purification

Along with many other rites of passage and tradition, Hawaii has a great understanding of the importance of mental healing and mental purification.
in the 1980s, the island of Kaho’olawe grew to symbolize the cumulative collective pain of the Native Hawaiian people as a result of the colonization of the Hawaiian Islands by the American government, particularly the military abuse of Hawaiian lands. Through the course of the struggle to stop the bombing and military use of the island, kupuna revealed that families who experienced discord and hardships, and problems would journey to Kaho’olawe to cleanse themselves of these difficulties.
Kaho’olawe and The City of Refuge in Hawaiian Healing
When they left the island, they left their troubles behind and could return home to heal. Kaho’olawe, its original significance, and subsequent devastation forced our generation of Native Hawaiians to realize and reclaim our responsibility to care for and heal the land of our ancestors and from whom we are descended. Through Kaho’olawe we began to live together as Hawaiians and practice the religion and traditions learned from our kupuna and heal the land.
The work to heal the island of Kaho’olawe has helped heal the soul of our people and will continue to do so. It has also inspired the movement to reclaim sovereignty and re-establish a Native Hawaiian government. Under the law, the island is being held in trust by the State of Hawai’i for eventual transfer to the Native Hawaiian nation.
Another important site and story arrives in the tale of the City of Refuge, an ancient site of redemption for those who had violated laws or customs. Though their crimes would have otherwise been punishable by death, those who transgressed were allowed the opportunity to reach the City of Refuge. Once they had done so, they were permanently forgiven for their crimes and embraced back into society.
For clients at Exclusive Hawaii, we offer day trips to this ancient and historic site, as well as the once-in-a-lifetime chance to forgive yourself (and be forgiven) through a trip to your own personal place of refuge. Our whole staff warmly encourages you or your loved one to embark on this transformative journey today!

Find the Healing Powers of Hawaii with Holistic Rehab
Exclusive Hawaii Rehab will be a place you will not want to leave, I can guarantee that. The amount of recovery, and healing, both mentally and physically that takes place there is unparalleled.
Healing holistically in Hawaii could not be a better option for recovery from many different illnesses, including substance abuse disorder.
Aid your own healing with the support of the ancient lands of Hawaii. Join a recovery tradition that stretches back millennia. Reach out now to the welcoming Intake Coordination staff at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab and find out more about scheduling your Hawaiian healing journey today!
Experience True Healing
Our deeply-caring staff and the surrounding natural beauty offer an unparalleled healing experience.