A tropical beach scene at sunset with a bent palm tree in the foreground, two small islands in the distance, and colorful clouds in the sky above the ocean.

Our Approach An Alternative Approach to Healing

We offer a 12-step alternative at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab. We believe that using shame to motivate yourself to stop your addictive behavior is ineffective. By removing shame and fear-based thinking, we cultivate self-acceptance and self-compassion. Our treatment focuses on resolving past traumas and reprogramming the thought patterns that underlie your problems. In order to help you create a successful transition back to your daily life, we will empower and equip you with self-regulation tools and life skills.

  • 90 Day Program
  • 30 Day Minimum
  • 6x Per Week Classes
A tropical beach scene at sunset with a bent palm tree in the foreground, two small islands in the distance, and colorful clouds in the sky above the ocean.

Our Approach Personalized, Private, Effective Addiction Treatment

Our integrative, holistic, non-12-step approach to addiction treatment is customized to meet each person’s individual needs. Rather than treating addiction in isolation, we’ve created a cohesive and comprehensive path to recovery that focuses on healing the whole person. Throughout our program, we use a non-judgmental, compassionate approach. We want the very best for you and will help you succeed through experiential therapies, nutritional support and the range of holistic healing modalities we offer. At Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, you will become a part of our small close-knit Ohana (family) and open your eyes to the philosophy that, in health, addictive behaviors are naturally replaced with authenticity, self-acceptance, and connection.

(808) 775-0200

Holistic Program

Holistic treatment emphasizes the integrated nature of the whole person. Our goal is to explore and treat you as a whole person rather than just your addiction. Treatment at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab goes beyond abstinence- it’s about healing from the inside out.

Naturopathic Medicine

As part of our holistic approach to addiction treatment, we integrate both conventional and natural medicine. Naturopathic treatment at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab includes nutrition, supplementation with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, herbal medicine and other methods to revitalize the body and repair the neurological imbalances caused by substance abuse.

Nutrition Therapy

A nutrition therapy program can help heal your mind and body during the process of detox and recovery from substance abuse and eating disorders. Education and cooking classes teach important life skills. And our horticulture program allows you to connect with nature and actively participate in healing your body from the inside out.

Transformational Healing

At Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, we believe that true recovery requires fundamental change. Our treatment program focuses on all aspects of you, not just your addiction. Our highly-trained specialists are here to help you on your path to recovery through a transformative experience.

Best Healing Environment

Our compassionate team of addiction and healthcare specialists provides the necessary therapy and personalized care to accelerate your recovery journey at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab. Our beautiful private grounds provide an ideal setting in which to reflect, restore and heal.

Aftercare Provided

Inpatient treatment is only the beginning of a lifelong journey. Our virtual aftercare program provides strong ongoing support and guidance to help you apply all the lessons you learned in treatment as you transition back into your daily life.

Lay a New Life

Exclusive Hawaii Rehab provides the skills and resources needed to care for yourself and create a new  lifestyle after completing treatment. You will learn how to build more awareness, reprogram your thought patterns and adopt new healthy ways of living.

Start Your Journey

Our Therapy Offerings Cognitive & Experiential Learning

Our addiction treatment philosophy includes the incorporation of our unique, experiential therapies with traditional cognitive learning. Our approach creates a deep understanding for clients and provides them with life skills and guidance for navigating emotions and triggers.

Craniosacral Therapy

The goal of craniosacral treatment is to help people overcome the stagnation that causes sickness and fragmentation in their bodies and minds.

Massage & Acupuncture

As part of your comprehensive treatment, our holistic program delivers personalized acupuncture and massage experience.

Yoga & Pilates

Yoga classes are customized to meet the needs of the individual. Our fitness coaches will work with you to create an enjoyable, holistic physical fitness experience.

Nutrition Therapy

Our dietician helps make lasting behavioral and lifestyle changes through an individually-tailored nutrition plan and cooking classes for long term self care.

Personal Development

The core of our treatment program is providing clients with the knowledge to build a foundation for reprogramming thought patterns and building self-awareness.

Nature Immersion

Clients have access to the beauty and healing qualities of nature at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab. Counselors offer a non-traditional classroom setting with walking sessions around the property.