Experience True Healing Luxury, Non-12 Step, Holistic Treatment

Our private grounds, luxury setting, and holistic approach to treatment help you to relax, rediscover your authentic self and heal the root causes of addiction.

  • Individualized Treatment
  • Private, 8-Bed Residential Program
  • Safe, Medically-Supervised Detox
  • Located on the Beautiful Big Island of Hawaii
  • Insurance Accepted

Start Your Journey

sunset on Hawaii beach

#1 Drug Rehab - Kauai

Exclusive Hawaii Rehab offers individuals an opportunity to heal from addiction within a treatment center that honors the individual circumstances that have impacted their ability to abstain from drug use. We strongly believe that each patient has a  unique story with drug addiction and believe that you are more than your drug addiction, you are someone who has been trying to cope the best way that you know how to with the tools you have been provided. Throughout our drug rehab in Kauai, we place an emphasis on focusing on each patient as an individual rather than a label of an addict. Treating an addiction rather than treating each patient as an individual often misses the key component of achieving a long-lasting life in recovery. What puts Exclusive Kauai ahead of other treatment centers is our non 12 step methods to treatment. Our approach to addiction treatment focuses on each patient and their unique story and circumstances that have led to your drug addiction compared to the one-size-fit model that solely focuses on treating the addiction, not the patient. Through the individualized rehab programs that are offered, our team of men and women will work with you to identify the root causes of your addiction through evidence-based methods of addiction treatment. 

Our drug rehab program is based on the methodology of addiction that states that individuals living with a drug addiction require a multidisciplinary approach to addiction treatment. Many industry-standard approaches to treatment will focus on using traditional talk therapy methods to heal from addiction. While talk therapy provides beneficial insight on the emotions and thoughts that are tied to your addiction, it is important for addiction treatment to target healing physically, emotionally, and mentally from the pains of addiction. Through holistic and alternative methods of treatment, patients will gain perspective on how to heal from addiction through natural, healthy means of coping and regulating emotions.

Experience True Healing

Our deeply-caring staff and the surrounding natural beauty offer an unparalleled healing experience.


Types of Drug Addictions We Treat

At Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, our team of medical and therapeutic professionals is highly qualified and educated with the latest evidence-based methods of addiction treatment. Each patient comes to us with a different set of needs and unique history of drug use. In order to provide the most beneficial and effective measures of addiction treatment, our team has become well versed in the varying substances that individuals will turn to. When you first arrive at our treatment center, you will meet with an onsite medical physician who will take the time to gain an understanding of your history with drug use including the length of time you have used, which substances you regularly engage in, and the frequency and amount that you use at any given time. This information will provide our team with the knowledge of your addiction to ensure that our team creates a drug rehab program that meets your specific needs and goals for recovery. 

Our compassionate team at Exclusive Kauai is trained and qualified to assist patients in healing from the following drug addictions:

  • Cocaine 
  • Heroin 
  • Meth 
  • Prescription drugs 
  • Benzodiazepines 
  • MDMA 
  • Marijuana 
  • Prescription painkillers – Opiates or opioids 
  • Prescription stimulants 
  • Crack 

Heroin Rehab

The heroin epidemic has been sweeping the nation and many Americans are succumbing to this fatal addiction. Heroin is a highly addictive substance that easily draws individuals into the spiral of addiction quickly and, in some cases, even after the first time using it. The more you engage in heroin use, the harder it is to see a way out of your addiction. For many heroin users, there is a high level of fear or anxiety around the detox and withdrawal process of heroin. Without the support of a medically supervised detox, heroin users will experience moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms that, in some cases, can produce highly unpleasant and uncomfortable side effects that often become unbearable for individuals causing many to return back to heroin. 

With the support of our medical team, you will be given the opportunity to safely and comfortably detox from heroin. Through the use of medications, patients’ withdrawal symptoms will be treated and subsided to keep you feeling relaxed and at ease. As you move through your detox process, you will begin your addiction treatment program on day one. Through the comprehensive approaches to treatment and therapy, you will develop the knowledge and skills to understand what has been the driving force for your addiction and heal from the inner emotions and thoughts that impact your ability to remain sober. Additionally, you will have access to the multitude of holistic treatments offered within our facility that will assist in easing your detox process and provide you with coping tools that can be used even after you complete rehab and return home. 

Cocaine Rehab - Kauai

Cocaine is often associated with the lifestyle of the rich and famous for the high price value it has and the social status it holds within mainstream media. When you are a celebrity or high net worth individual, you are often surrounded by individuals engaging in cocaine use and it becomes a normal way of life. Our executive rehab program will assist you in recognizing the damage that cocaine is having on your physical wellbeing, social life, and employment. Through traditional methods of talk therapy, our counselors will guide you in the healing process to identify what is at the core of your cocaine use and heal from the emotions that you are masking with your drug use. 

Exclusive Hawaii Rehab invites patients to engage in alternative methods to treatment such as nature immersion therapy or experiential therapy where you will have the opportunity to participate in the exhilarating activities that are located within Kauai. Patients who have a history of cocaine use often find that the natural rush of adrenaline provides a natural way of coping with emotions and releasing feelings of stress and tension through a healthy outlet. 

Oxy Rehab - Kauai

Your oxy use most likely started as a way to manage an existing pain condition or disorder. In a time of need, you turned to your doctor to find a solution and, as you tried to manage the ups and downs of life, the allure of the escape through oxy’s became more and more appealing. Many Americans have fallen victim to the trap of oxy and find themselves entrenched in a life of opioid addiction. 

Our team will provide you with a customized treatment plan that incorporates holistic and alternative methods to healing and managing pain. Many individuals recovering from an opioid addiction benefit from the holistic therapies offered such as massage therapy, acupuncture, and bodywork or energy sessions. In conjunction with individual and group therapy sessions, patients are able to look within to the underlying causes of their addiction and develop a new matter of living that supports their desire to live in sobriety. 

Meth Rehab - Kauai

Americans across the nation have become increasingly more at risk for the devastating effects of methamphetamines due to the rising popularity of meth use. This highly addictive substance creates a dangerous level of dependency and users that are consuming meth in high doses run the risk of an overdose. Your customized meth rehab program will focus on understanding what led you to use meth, to begin with, and what is at the roots of your continued use. Through alternative methods of healing paired with holistic and traditional methods, our counselors will assist you in healing from the past to move into a future of sobriety. Patients learn and practice life skills and tools that will assist them in being able to overcome any potential triggers for relapse behavior in the future. 

Benzo Rehab - Kauai

Benzodiazepines are often prescribed to individuals that are suffering from an anxiety disorder or sleep disorder from insomnia. These medications have made a significant impact on managing these disorders and freeing individuals from the devastating side effects of these disorders. The downside of these medications is that when they are misused, it often spirals your original symptoms while creating additional challenges. Patients have found that a dual diagnosis treatment program is beneficial for healing from their addiction and co-occurring disorder at the same time. You will learn more about how your addiction has impacted your mental health or sleep disorder and learn new holistic methods of treatment that will target healing from your addiction and managing your preexisting condition without having to turn to substances to cope. 

Experience True Healing

Our deeply-caring staff and the surrounding natural beauty offer an unparalleled healing experience.

Prescription Drug Rehab - Kauai

Prescription drug addiction often begins after someone begins using these medications to treat a co-occurring disorder. While you know your symptoms from your previous disorder are real, your use of prescription drugs has gone beyond the doctor’s recommended dose. Choosing to begin a prescription drug rehab will allow you the guidance and support from our medical team to help you safely remove the physical and emotional dependency from prescription drugs while providing you with the psychological support to investigate what has been the root causes for your addiction and need to escape through these addictive medications. Through a dual diagnosis program paired with our exclusive methods of treatment, you will be able to heal from the inner wounds of addiction while developing a new way of life that fosters your goals of living in sobriety. 


Discreet Rehab Center - Kauai

Each patient that enters our drug rehab center comes from a high net worth or celebrity background. When you have had the public openly prying their way into your life, many patients have concerns that their personal journey of addiction treatment will be made public knowledge through paparazzi or members of the general public leaking their information. We want to put your mind at ease and assure you that your rehab program will be with 7 other like-minded individuals who respect the need for privacy and confidentiality. The team at Exclusive Kauai is highly trained and carefully selected to ensure that only the best staff who respect and honor the need for patient confidentiality is maintained. 

Exclusive & Secure Addiction Treatment - Kauai

While you are in the safety of our program, you will be offered exclusive means of treatment that will have you connecting with the gorgeous Hawaiian landscape that surrounds you. Through our experiential and nature immersion methods of treatment you are invited to participate in:

  • Swimming and snorkeling in the pacific ocean 
  • Dolphin therapy 
  • Surf therapy 
  • Equine therapy 
  • Music therapy 
  • Art therapy 
  • Hiking by active volcanoes
  • Walking through world-renowned botanical gardens 


Exclusive Kauai offers patients unique opportunities for holistic therapy and healing that are unique to our center. You will be invited to participate in all or some of the following treatments:

  • Reiki or energy work classes 
  • Acupuncture 
  • Massage therapy 
  • Yoga
  • Guided meditation 
  • Sessions on conscious breathing 
  • Craniosacral therapy 
  • Individual nutritional coaching 
  • Mindfulness practices 
  • Emotional regulation skill building 

Kauai Drug Rehab For High Networth Individuals & Celebrities

We know the societal pressure that is placed on high net worth individuals and celebrities and you want to know that your experience with drug rehab will remain private. Exclusive Kauai provides the highest level of security through a high level of security systems installed throughout our estate and onsite, 24/7 security guards that are trained to keep the public eye away from your healing experience. 

First Class Amenities

When you choose to heal from drug addiction within a luxury rehab setting, you will enter into a healing process that emulates a wellness retreat. We want to provide our patients with the comforts of home and acknowledge the hard work you are putting into your personal growth and discovery. That is why we offer our patients the following luxury first-class amenities:

  • Large bedrooms with comfortable canopy beds to lay your head at night 
  • Option of private or shared bedroom 
  • Private lanai in each bedroom 
  • Fresh  meals prepared by our personal chefs that specialize in making organic meals made from local food straight from the local farmers market that will fuel your body 
  • Access to your phone and computer allows you the opportunity to maintain the commitments of the outside world
  • A wrap-around porch that boasts stunning views of the pacific ocean and lush Hawaiian greenery 
  • Inviting common areas such as our dining area for meals and lounge areas where you can relax and interact with other patients 
  • Weekly excursions that will have you taking in the exciting sights and activities within Kauai 

Why Choose Exclusive Kauai for Addiction Treatment

Exclusive  Hawaii Rehab – Kauai offers executive and celebrity patients an opportunity to heal from addiction in a setting that respects your need for privacy along with dignity and respect. We value each patient for the unique, resilient individual you are and want to support you to feel empowered to rediscover what makes you passionate about life again. Your story matters and you deserve a chance to heal from addiction through methods of holistic and alternative methods to healing. Our focus is to provide patients with a healing experience that will provide a long-lasting life in recovery.

Experience True Healing

Our deeply-caring staff and the surrounding natural beauty offer an unparalleled healing experience.