Hawaii and its History of Healing

Hawaii is the only one of the States in the US that lies outside of North America and is technically part of the tropical region. Eight main inhabited islands make up this state, including Hawai’i, for which the state is named. Hawai’i is commonly referred to as “The Big Island.” It demonstrates a long, rich history, even before becoming part of the United States. This rich history is carried on in the people’s traditions that make up the island.

Coming to Hawaii changes a person’s perspective on life almost completely. It’s like a new beginning and a chance to explore a new place. This fresh start is precisely what some people need to overcome addiction and dependency. Hawaii, at least for them, is a chance for a new beginning.

Unique Healing Benefits of Rehab in The Hawaiian Islands.

Unique Healing Benefits of Rehab in The Hawaiian Islands

Drug addiction is one of the most debilitating and severe experiences a person can go through. The difficulties associated with the recovery and rehabilitation of substance abuse disorder are numerous. Given the unique location and, more fundamentally, the culture of the state, pursuing recovery at a high-quality rehabilitation in Hawaii offers several particular benefits that set it apart when it comes to seeking to engage in the process of healing.

  • Location – This is perhaps one of the important things that set recovery in Hawaii apart. Drug addiction can be an overwhelming thing. Usually, a person hits their version of “rock bottom” before deciding to go into recovery. The temptation can be strong to want to use a facility or center close to home. The addict feels inherently weak and likely has little faith in themselves to be able to see the process through. The idea that home is close can offer a feeling of comfort but at the price of reinforcing that false belief that they are not capable of or strong enough.There is an immense benefit to being free of the distraction of home as one goes through recovery. The idea of a “fresh start” is not a new one per se but begs remembrance and consideration. Being in a location so far removed from home makes your focus more narrow, with your goal squarely in the middle of your path.The obvious aesthetic advantages of Hawaii are well-known. To be clear, being surrounded by nature and all its beauty is not a requirement or prerequisite for someone to successfully be rehabilitated. This does NOT mean that there aren’t SEVERAL known benefits to being immersed in the beauty and wonder of the natural world when it comes to recovering from substance abuse.The final benefit regarding the location is the sheer difficulty of rehabilitation itself. The process is challenging, daunting even, and the truth is that some persons abscond when given an easy opportunity rather than see the system through to its conclusion. Because of this, any obstacles that inherently complicate the process of abandoning and quitting the process can be seen as motivators to compel the patient to stick with the method. Organizing a plane ticket to leave Hawaii is more involved than simply missing an appointment with an outpatient center.
  • Sense of adventure – One of the ways in which substance abuse can be especially heinous is in how completely it hijacks one’s purpose and reason for living. How substances can manipulate the chemicals in our brain are critical to why and how people fall victim to addiction. By the time a person is deep into the habit of substance dependency, they may not be aware of it. Still, the substance is now in charge of producing and supplying all the chemicals necessary for us to feel motivated, happy and inspired, leading to a slew of problems as a result.Upon severing the chemical bond and dependency, part of rehabilitation involves reminding the patient that there are reasons to be alive outside of the substance. Showing that the world around them is full of opportunity, beauty, and experiences to have that don’t need substances is a critical component of proper, lasting recovery. This can’t be experienced in talk therapy, group, or otherwise. By implementing the making of new, positive memories in an environment as uniquely singular in the world like Hawaii, the patient gains something incalculably valuable on their healing journey. These experiences remind them that there is a sheer joy to life itself.
  • Quality of Service – When it comes to rehabilitation and recovery, Hawaii is very well-known for the quality of the treatments and programs and the qualifications of the professionals and staff that deliver and run them. You can expect comprehensive, evidence-based, scientific approaches and holistic therapies that work together to truly rehabilitate the patients.

Experience True Healing

Our deeply-caring staff and the surrounding natural beauty offer an unparalleled healing experience.

What Substances Are Treated at Drug Addiction Centers in Hawaii?

The majority of substance abuse cases admitted and treated at rehab centers in Hawaii tend to be amphetamines, opiates, marijuana, and alcohol-based. The most abused substance in Hawaii goes by the street name “ice.” This is just high-quality methamphetamine, and is a substance we have treated frequently, with substantial success, at the Exclusive Hawaii.

What Types of Addiction Treatment Services Are Found in Hawaii?

Inpatient Treatment

Overall, there are many distinct aspects to rehabilitation and recovery. As such, there are various program types that a person suffering from drug addiction might need to avail themselves of.

  • Inpatient Programs – This term describes any treatment that requires the patient to stay at the facility or center around the clock. This will include 24/7 medical treatment as necessary. In terms of short-term residential programs, just about ten centers accommodate this service in Hawaii, with 16 centers catering to long-term inpatient programs.
  • Outpatient Programs – Outpatient Programs are any treatment method or regimen that does not require the patient to live in the facility. Typically the patient will come in for treatment or therapy and return home. This is generally used for persons who are unable to or don’t need to (due to a habit that is lesser in severity) partake in the intense experience that is inpatient treatment.
  • Detox Program – A Detox Program is typically an inpatient process focused around the initial period of purging the body’s dependence on and subsequent withdrawal from the substance. This period can be intensely uncomfortable and challenging for the patient as they will experience, to various degrees, a range of symptoms like fever, pain, delirium, hallucinations, and more. This is all a natural part of the detoxification process, but to have it happen safely. With minimal damage, it requires focused, consistent monitoring and medical intervention for as long as it takes the body to go through it. Eighteen facilities in Hawaii offer detox programs currently.
  • Dual Diagnosis – Rarely ever is substance abuse an isolated issue that stands by itself. An underlying issue that typically leads to self-medication which snowballs into addiction. The idea of a dual diagnosis is that effective treatment should involve moving past the physical addiction and dependency of the substance and identifying and treating the core illness that led to the substance abuse.
    This can be something as simple as anxiety or depression. It can be complex and challenging to identify this personality disorder. In some cases, the treatment may be specifically targeted therapy. In other cases, it might require medically-assisted therapy. Under the right circumstances, it is not incorrect to think of substance abuse as a symptom of an unnoticed illness that must be treated concurrently to avoid the risk of relapse. As of right now, there are around 30 programs that practice the dual diagnosis approach, specifically in Hawaii.

The Advantages of a Hawaii Rehab Setting

Hawaii is an excellent place for rehabilitation overall regarding the quality of available programs. You can find centers practicing evidence-based approaches like cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and psychodynamic therapy to help people identify, unpack and process the trauma that led to their addictions in the first place. In terms of holistic techniques and practices, you can find programs using proven habits like yoga, mindfulness meditation, and even art therapy to balance out the overall treatment given. At Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, we offer all of the above (and more) and are widely considered to be the top option for treatment on the islands.

One major issue that may not have escaped your attention in the discussion of the statistics above is the imbalance in terms of program availability. Overall, there are significantly more outpatient facilities and programs available. What this means in practice is that, for persons with severe addictions or complicated cases that require intensive inpatient care and programs, the choices of where they can go are significantly smaller. This has nothing to do with the quality of care and more to do with the volume of options available to clients when making choices.

Finding Drug Addiction Centers in Hawaii.

Finding a facility in Hawaii to seek treatment for drug addiction is relatively easy in the modern age. The internet is an indispensable tool in this search and will usually yield a wealth of results. Simply searching the term “drug addiction centers in Hawaii” can be an excellent starting point.

One should keep in mind a couple of factors when narrowing their choice. Keep in mind the substance you seek treatment for, the treatment method or program desired, what insurance you have, and the budget you can work with. A golden rule of thumb is that generally, a good facility will have a reputation that precedes it, so take a look at their website and the client testimonials, as well as the extent of coverage and authenticity of their writing, both scientifically and from your own personal perspective.

Does Insurance Cover Drug Addiction Centers in Hawaii?

Does Insurance Cover Drug Addiction Centers in Hawaii

Health insurance is a critical component of seeking treatment for anything medical in the United States. If you are uninsured, the out-of-pocket costs for treatment can skyrocket relatively quickly. Patients seeking to use Medicaid to assist with the cost of treatment would have to ensure that Medicaid covers the program they are interested in Hawaii, and at this time Exclusive Hawaii does not accept these policy types.

Currently, not many private insurance companies are accepted in Hawaii, though our facility now accepts an increasing array of PPO policies across carriers. Finding out whether your insurance will be accepted at a particular facility is something that can be pretty simple to deduce. Many centers have online verification that allows you to quickly conclude whether they would accept your insurance to aid with the financial obligations of the treatment.

Eleven rehabilitation centers in Hawaii offer a sliding scale for persons without insurance looking to cover out-of-pocket costs for treatment. The sliding scale system essentially adjusts the cost of treatment for individuals based on several factors, including their current income and job. While not a perfect solution, this is undoubtedly a welcome consideration for those who may be trying to pay for treatment without an applicable insurance policy.

The truth is that the financial obligation of rehab and recovery can be extensive. The standard and quality of the care are high but, for many people, due to the limitations on the private insurance companies accepted as well as Medicaid, the feasibility of the available options may not be as extensive as it initially appears on the surface.

Experience True Healing

Our deeply-caring staff and the surrounding natural beauty offer an unparalleled healing experience.

Finding Lasting Recovery from Drug Addiction at the Exclusive Hawaii

When it comes to recovering from substance abuse, Hawaii offers unique experiences and opportunities not available anywhere else in the world. Qualified, renowned professional practitioners coupled with first-class facilities and the perfect integration of both science-backed and holistic treatment methodologies make the Exclusive Hawaii Rehab exactly that. Add that it is all taking place in one of the ideal natural backdrops on the planet, resulting in a recovery experience that many describe as “life-changing.”

That phrase is the most accurate descriptor of what one can expect. Lasting and sustainable change to the life of each of our clients is the goal here. This is not just about pushing someone through a program as quickly as possible. This is about healing people – uncovering the wounds of the past and working to restore each client life to the fullest life of their own choosing. If this sounds like the treatment experience made for you or your loved one, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Intake Coordination staff today, to discuss details and booking your stay with us.