What Are Some Recovery Options for Binge Eating Disorder?

Addiction Recovery Publishing Eating Disorders August 6, 2024

What Are Some Recovery Options for Binge Eating Disorder?

There is a traditional Hawaiian saying that goes, “E hele me ka pu’olo.” Roughly translated, this means that we should always leave something better than when we found it. This proverb also applies to how we treat ourselves and our bodies. Are we treating ourselves as we would treat others or the space around us? For those struggling with binge eating disorder, this is often not the case, and it is also out of their control. The good news is there are many means, methods, and modalities available to help those with binge eating disorder get their lives back (and even better than before).

What Does It Mean to Heal at the Cellular Level?

Healing at the cellular level is all about healing holistically. This means that it is all about healing every aspect of the “Self” at the same time: the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. 

Healing at the cellular level is also about getting to the root/core causes of one’s issues. Many people are under the misconception that issues of addiction, mental illness, or eating disorders are all behavioral. The fact of the matter is that there are a lot of issues that must be addressed under the surface if one is to fully heal at the cellular level. Also, this can really only happen if one is being treated for their individual issues.

Why Is Individualized Care So Important?

The recovery realm is a multi-billion-dollar industry, and unfortunately, there are many treatment centers that are in it solely for financial gain. These are recovery centers that only offer broad overarching recovery plans without consideration of an individual’s needs.

Here at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, we understand that that type of approach rarely works. This is why we only offer individualized and customized recovery plans. We ensure that all of our clients have proper assessments so that we can meet all of their needs. These include physical, emotional, spiritual, social, and occupational needs. We also do so in an effectively comprehensive way.

The Multi-Angled Approach: Why Is Comprehensive Care So Important?

A multi-angled approach to recovery simply refers to a recovery plan that utilizes many different types of modalities. This is crucial because where one method of treatment fails, another may succeed. Without having those failsafes, the chance for recovery goes down exponentially.

A multi-angled approach should pull from many areas of recovery. These areas include psychotherapy like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), experiential therapy like art therapy, and holistic healing methods like yoga and meditation. For eating disorders, there should also be a big focus on nutrition and physical wellness.

Better Understanding Eating Disorders

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), “There is a commonly held misconception that eating disorders are a lifestyle choice. Eating disorders are actually serious and often fatal illnesses that are associated with severe disturbances in people’s eating behaviors and related thoughts and emotions. Preoccupation with food, body weight, and shape may also signal an eating disorder.” There are also many other aspects that could signal an eating disorder.

Millions of people in the U.S. struggle with eating disorders every day, and, of course, they should not all be categorized together. “Eating disorders” represent a large umbrella of which there are many different subtypes underneath. According to the peer-reviewed thesis, Eating Disorders, by Doctors Balasundaram and Santhanam, “One in eight youngsters may have at least one eating disorder by twenty years of age. Approximately 5 million Americans are affected by eating disorders every year.” Also, “Although eating disorders can affect people of all ages and both genders, they are often reported in adolescents and young women.”

What Exactly Is Binge Eating Disorder?

While there are many different types and subtypes of eating disorders, binge eating disorder is one of the more common ones. So, what exactly is binge eating disorder?

Now, according to the peer-reviewed thesis, Binge Eating Disorder, by Doctors Iqbal and Rehman, “Binge eating disorder is an eating disorder associated with various psychological and non-psychological issues with some degree of impairment of daily life and a few severe impairments. According to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), binge eating disorder consists of (1) Consuming a larger amount of food than other people would be able to consume in similar circumstances and similar period (usually within a two hour period). (2) Lack of control of eating and feeling guilty after eating.”

Binge eating disorder is also highly prevalent and has many negative attachments. According to the peer-reviewed journal Nature Reviews. Disease Primers, “The worldwide prevalence of BED for the years 2018 – 2020 is estimated to be 0.6 – 1.8% in adult women and 0.3 – 0.7% in adult men. BED is commonly associated with obesity and with somatic and mental health comorbidities. People with BED experience considerable burden and impairments in quality of life, at the same time, BED often goes undetected and untreated.” There are also many signs and symptoms that someone is struggling with binge eating disorder.

The Signs and Symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder

Now, of course, the signs and symptoms of binge eating disorder will vary depending on the individual. However, there are many universal signs and symptoms that many people with binge eating disorder exhibit. The following are just a few of those signs and symptoms:

  • Eating when an individual is already full or no longer hungry
  • Excessive eating in a short amount of time
  • Eating rapidly during binging periods
  • Feeling upset or guilty about eating 
  • Eating to an uncomfortable degree
  • Constant dieting without any results
  • Eating alone or in secret
  • Losing interest in activities once enjoyed
  • Feeling anxious or depressed
  • Having suicidal ideations

As one can see, these signs and symptoms vary in severity, but none of them should be minimized. If any, many, or all of these symptoms are present, it is highly recommended that professional help be sought as soon as possible. Doing so could mean the difference between short-term side effects and long-term consequences.

Healing From Binge Eating Disorder at the Cellular Level

Many people are under the impression that eating disorders are less dangerous than other issues of mental health. This is simply untrue.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), “Eating disorders can be fatal due to various medical complications and the high risk of associated suicide. Treatment plans can include psychotherapy, medical care, nutrition counseling, or medications.” This last aspect of treatment is crucial because treatment is what is needed to get to the essential root/core causes of binge eating disorder.

Getting to the Root/Core Causes of Binge Eating Disorder

With issues of addiction and mental illness, what is happening externally is almost always linked to what is happening internally. These are the root/core causes of one’s issues.

Many people with binge eating disorder, for example, are struggling with some type of underlying trauma, and trauma is much more common than many people may think. According to the peer-reviewed journal Psychological Medicine, “General population studies have shown that a large proportion of people in developed countries have been exposed to at least one TE [traumatic event] in their lifetime (estimates from 28 to 90%), with the most common events being the unexpected death of a loved one, motor vehicle accidents and being mugged.”

If untreated, these traumas lead to more serious behavioral and addiction issues, such as binge eating disorder. The good news is that there are many effective ways to get to the root/core causes of external issues. One primary way of doing so is with psychotherapies like CBT and DBT.

Utilizing Psychotherapy for Binge Eating Disorder

Psychotherapy is ideal for getting to the underlying causes of one’s issues. This is because it can help individuals address the negative way they view themselves and the world around them. Once these views are addressed, the behaviors associated with them can be adequately addressed. Now, CBT is an ideal psychotherapy to do this.

CBT is a talk therapy that has long shown high levels of efficacy. This is because it utilizes many types of interventions. According to the peer-reviewed journal Cognitive Therapy and Research, “Consistent with the medical model of psychiatry, the overall goal of treatment is symptom reduction, improvement in functioning, and remission of the disorder. In order to achieve this goal, the patient becomes an active participant in a collaborative problem-solving process to test and challenge the validity of maladaptive cognitions and to modify maladaptive behavioral patterns. Thus, modern CBT refers to a family of interventions that combine a variety of cognitive, behavioral, and emotion-focused techniques.”

This type of therapy can be particularly helpful for those with binge eating disorder because the disorder can be such a psychological one. Another therapy that can be helpful (and is essential) is nutritional therapy.

Utilizing Nutritional Therapy for Binge Eating Disorder

People struggling with binge eating disorder need to be supported when it comes to getting back to a healthy nutritional lifestyle. Now, this does not have to do with some type of fad “diet.” Rather, it is about making healthy nutritional choices. This includes not just what one puts into their body, but also what one leaves out.

Also, nutritional therapy has to do with the quality and quantity of foods as well. According to the Journal for Nurse Practitioners (JNP), “Nutritional Therapy is also concerned with the way that foods are prepared and delivered for consumption. In order for foods to be therapeutically beneficial, the appropriate micro- and macronutrients must be delivered in a nutritionally dense format without contaminants. While plants are the main source of micronutrients, nutrient content can be altered with improper handling.”

This is also why we take such care with our nutrition here at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab. All of the foods we offer are organic (most of which are local as well). We believe in the maxim, “Food is medicine,” which is one of the reasons why healing from an eating disorder at the cellular level can happen at our facility. Also, we ensure that our food is satiating and delicious. We have world-class chefs who tailor-make our meals for each and every client.

Utilizing Surf Therapy for Binge Eating Disorder

Another unique offering here at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab is surf therapy. Just a short walk from our 30-acre luxury property sits one of the best surf breaks on Hawaii’s Big Island. Many of our clients have said that surfing and surf therapy has been transformational in their lives.

Surf therapy offers a myriad of benefits. According to the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, “Carefully planned water activities tailored to the needs of the individual can contribute to correct psychosocial and cognitive development. The International Surf Therapy Organization summarizes the benefits of adequately indicated surf therapy as follows: improved physical health and mobility; improved mental health, including reduction of specific symptoms, such as posttraumatic stress and depression; improved well-being (strengthening of trust and confidence, encouragement of independence, resilience and protective coping strategies) and improved social skills.” 

Surf therapy is also ideal for those recovering from binge eating disorder because it offers a healthy physical outlet. The same can be said about yoga and yoga therapy.

Utilizing Yoga and Meditation for Binge Eating Disorder

The iconic yogi and spiritual teacher B.K.S. Iyengar said, “Yoga allows you to rediscover a sense of wholeness in your life, where you do not feel like you are constantly trying to fit broken pieces together.” This also applies to those looking to recover from issues related to eating disorders.

Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years. Originally, it was solely used as a spiritual or religious practice, but it has since moved into many different arenas of life. This includes the realm of recovery and wellness.

The benefits of yoga can be vast and varied. According to the International Journal of Yoga (IJOY), “Therapeutic yoga is defined as the application of yoga postures and practice to the treatment of health conditions. Yoga therapy involves instruction in yogic practices and teachings to prevent reduce or alleviate structural, physiological, emotional, and spiritual pain, suffering, or limitations. Yogic practices enhance muscular strength and body flexibility, promote and improve respiratory and cardiovascular function, promote recovery from and treatment of addiction, reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain, improve sleep patterns, and enhance overall well-being and quality of life.”

Now, just as physical external wellness can be essential for binge eating disorder recovery, so too can mental focus. This focus can be gained via a healthy meditation practice.

Like yoga, the benefits of meditation are hard to understate. According to the International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda (AYU), “During the process of meditation, accumulated stresses are removed, energy is increased, and health is positively affected overall. Research has confirmed a myriad of health benefits associated with the practice of meditation. These include stress reduction, decreased anxiety, decreased depression, reduction in pain (both physical and psychological), improved memory, and increased efficiency.”

With a multi-angled approach that utilizes the means, methods, and modalities discussed, binge eating disorder can become a problem of the past for many people. The key is to reach out and ask for help.

Healing at the Cellular Level With Exclusive Hawaii Rehab

Here at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, we believe in long-term success over short-term “fixes.” We know that this is truly the only way to heal at the cellular level.

There is another traditional Hawaiin proverb that goes, “KŪLIA I KA NU‘U.” This means that we must always be reaching for the highest peak. At Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, we can help make that climb a reality. Recovery from binge eating disorder is just over the horizon. It is time to journey over and grab it. 

There are many means, methods, and modalities that can help one recover from binge eating disorder. These include psychotherapies, nutritional therapy, experiential therapies, and holistic wellness options. It is also important to focus on long-term recovery when it comes to eating disorders because relapse can be highly prevalent without the right tools and support. If you feel like you or a loved one are struggling with issues of addiction, mental illness, or co-occurring disorders, we can help get you on the positive path toward recovery right away. You don’t have to go through this alone. For more information about how to heal from binge eating disorder at the cellular level, please reach out to Exclusive Hawaii Rehab at (808) 775-0200.