Rehab for Alcohol Addiction: What to Expect

Exclusive Hawaii Rehab Alcohol Addiction , Alcohol Detox September 7, 2022

A glass of Negroni cocktail with ice cubes and an orange slice garnish, placed on a dark surface, evokes a sense of indulgence. However, for those in rehab for alcohol addiction, such imagery can be both enticing and challenging.

Alcohol has become a very seen and available product of our society, making it almost impossible to steer completely clear from. Its common presence in celebrations, holidays, and meeting places make alcohol very accessible to those who want to partake. Even at the cost of severe addiction and loss of their quality of life. Hence the importance of finding help for yourself or a loved one addicted to alcohol as soon as possible. For anyone inexperienced with rehab for alcohol addiction: what to expect, the road may seem winding and unknown. Thankfully there are many treatments and facilities that offer such programs by experienced professionals, providing an abundance of support. Such facilities offer, specifically, a road that can lead to life-long lasting recovery from alcohol addiction. But before choosing which option is best in breaking free from alcohol addiction, research and find out about what you or a loved one can expect. 

Treatments And Programs Used In Rehab For Alcohol Addiction

Just as each of us is different, so then are the effects of alcohol addiction on their users and forms of treatment. While someone struggling with alcohol addiction may need a more traditional environment setting in a hospital, another may need a more homey place for recovery. A group setting of community support may be ideal for one, while one-on-one support from a facility may work better for another. These factors that come with choosing treatment are important to consider before setting stone on a rehab for alcohol addiction. Most, if not all, facilities that offer rehab for alcohol addiction will provide experienced professionals alongside clients during treatments that have proven to be successful. In other words, evidence-based treatments and programs that are commonly used in treating alcohol addiction. Let’s explore the different forms of treatment you, or a loved one, should consider in your search for the right rehab for alcohol addiction.  Below are examples of such treatments used and can hopefully give some perspective on rehab for alcohol addiction: what to expect. 

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy – Also known as DBT, this evidence based form of treatment teaches clients how to regulate their emotions to reduce self-destructive behaviors. DBT is primarily a skill-building approach, that focuses on the development of four key skill sets: 

  • Distress Tolerance – being able to successfully and effectively work with short term or long term pain.
  • Emotion Regulation – aims to identify behaviors and implement coping mechanisms to help modify them.
  • Mindfulness – putting aside judgment and attention to understand how others may feel during a situation.
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness – ability to balance the wants and needs of a relationship while respecting boundaries and priorities.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – Also known as CBT, this active therapeutic modality is present-oriented, problem-focused, and goal-directed. As an evidence-based treatment, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a proven effective treatment for abuse disorders, such as alcohol addiction, as well as behavioral addictions and specific mental health diagnoses. Understanding the benefits of therapies such as this is helpful in understanding rehab for alcohol addiction: what to expect. 

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction – Also known as MBSR and developed by Dr. Jon Cabot-Zinn, this form of substance abuse treatment is a sequential method that teaches the individual who is struggling with racing and impulsive thoughts how to be in the “here and now”. By focusing on the breath or on an object in the room, the client slowly becomes able to collapse their awareness into the present moment.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing – Also known as EMDR, this form of treatment uses a patient’s own rapid, rhythmic eye movements as a tool for insight and recovery. EMDR is a structured therapy that encourages the patient to briefly focus on the trauma memory while simultaneously experiencing bilateral stimulation. These experienced eye movements are then associated with a reduction in the vividness and emotion associated with the traumatic memories. Helping those suffering from alcohol addiction an alternative way to heal from their traumatic memories most often to blame. 

Motivational Interviewing – This form of therapy is a collaborative, therapeutic conversation between licensed clinicians and clients. Motivational Interviewing addresses the common problem of conflict for change with alcohol addiction. As defined by William Miller, the creator of motivational interviewing, its purpose is to strengthen the client’s own motivation for and commitment to change in a manner that is consistent with said client’s values. Therefore, rather than imposing or forcing changes, the practitioner will “meet the client where the client is” and help him/her move toward his/her goals by drawing out and building his/her readiness to change.

Inpatient Rehab For Alcohol Addiction: What To Expect

Inpatient rehab is one of the most common ways those who suffer from alcohol addiction choose for recovery. Inpatient rehab for alcohol addiction: what to expect, has some major differences in comparison to its alternative- Outpatient rehab. As can be assumed, inpatient alcohol addiction rehab involves checking into the facility and staying there for the duration of treatment. Clients will have access to medical professionals and other specialists 24 hours a day, allowing support available around the clock. Inpatient rehab programs have a set schedule which consists of breakfast in the morning, followed by therapies, counseling sessions and activities for the remainder of the day. Inpatient rehab facilities can differ by the comforts, privacy, treatments, and amenities offered. So, it’s important to research a potential facility before choosing which is the best fit for yourself or a loved one suffering from alcohol addiction. 

Outpatient Rehab For Alcohol Addiction: What To Expect

Outpatient rehab will provide the same types of treatment and support, but will not be required to stay in the alcohol addiction recovery facility during their treatment. Some of the reasons why people choose an outpatient rehab is so that they can maintain their home, stay close to supportive family/friends, continue to work/attend school, or feel a sense of freedom if needed.  Keep in mind though that inpatient rehab centers may offer different kinds of programs, activities, and varying degrees of structure within. Asking a facility or rehab for alcohol addiction to see a sample daily or weekly schedule of what a typical client will endure is a great way to know what to expect. Do daily activities vary, or does each day seem the same? Here is an example of some important questions to ask a potential outpatient rehab for alcohol addiction:

  • Is one-on-one time with dedicated therapists or psychiatrists offered daily? 
  • Are most groups generalized for the whole patient population, or are clients offered opportunities for specialized therapy and learning? 
  • Outside of traditional therapeutic treatment hours, how are clients encouraged to socialize on evenings and weekends? 
  • Are off-campus activities in the community offered for clients?
  • Consider the mix of talk therapy, hands-on or expressive therapies, and physical activity

Asking these informative questions is important in understanding how a particular rehab for alcohol addiction can help you or a loved one transition and recover successfully. Evaluate the schedule based on your understanding of your loved one’s needs for structure, supervision, physical activity, and social interaction. Though both inpatient and outpatient options aim toward recovery, it’s important to understand rehab for alcohol addiction: what to expect.