Club Drugs Addiction Quiz Victoria February 24, 2023 Club Drugs Addiction QuizFill out the quiz below to get an assessment if you or someone you care about is suffering Full Name * Email * Phone Do you often use club drugs in larger amounts than you originally intended? Yes No Do you often take club drugs for longer than you originally intended? Yes No Have you persistently wanted to cut down on your use of club drugs? Yes No Do you have strong urges or cravings to use club drugs? Yes No Have you failed to meet your obligations at home, work, or school because of repeated club drug use? Yes No Do you spend much time doing things to acquire, use, or recover from your use of club drugs? Yes No Do you spend much time doing things to acquire, use, or recover from your use of club drugs? Yes No Have you repeatedly used club drugs when it was physically dangerous to do so, such as while operating a motor vehicle or in any other unsafe situation? Yes No Have you experienced social or relational issues due to the effects of club drugs and continued using it anyway? Yes No Have you had to reduce or abandon social or recreational activities due to your club drugs use? Yes No Have you continued using club drugs even when it worsened physical or mental issues? Yes No Have you needed to use larger amounts of club drugs to get high? Yes No After using the same amount of club drugs for a while, has it had a weakened effect on you? Yes No When discontinuing near-daily club drugs use, have you experienced irritability, anxiety, sleep problems, appetite loss, restlessness, depression, headache, fever, chills, tremors, sweating or abdominal pain? Yes No Have you taken club drugs or any similar substances for relief or avoidance of these symptoms? Yes No Time's up