How Does Treating Clients as a Whole Improve Success in Treatment?

In recent years the recovery industry has grown on a massive scale. It is now a multi-billion dollar industry, and it is still in a boom phase. Now, while it is fantastic that there is such a much-needed focus on recovery, why, then, is there such a low rate of success in treatment? According to the clinical journal, Current Psychiatry Reports, “Recent estimates from clinical treatment studies suggest that more than two-thirds of individuals relapse within weeks to months of initiating treatment.”
One of the reasons for the low success rate in treatment is the lack of options and diversity in the recovery industry. “Traditional” treatment, quite frankly, doesn’t work for everybody. There must be alternatives. This is where holistic solutions and Exclusive Hawaii Rehab can help.
The goal of treatment is to address the core/root causes of addiction or other issues of mental health. Some options in the recovery realm currently only scrape the surface and often don’t delve deep enough to ensure that underlying issues don’t resurface down the road. Ultimately, the goal of recovery is to heal at a cellular level and to do so, there must be a multi-tiered whole mind-body approach. This is what we offer at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab.
A Whole Mind-Body Approach for Success in Treatment
The term “holistic” has become a media buzzword as of late, with many “influencers” throwing it around without any accreditation or specialization in the field. This has left many people unaware of what holism, including holistic treatments and a holistic lifestyle, really is.
When they hear “holistic,” many people probably envision some holistic practices on a surface level, such as seated meditation or yoga poses like Warrior Two. However, holistic practices go much deeper than these surface activities. While it certainly has its intricacies and complexities, “holism” can be broken down into one keyword: interconnectedness.
What this means is that there is a connection between the mind and the body that cannot exist independently. Thus, for practitioners of holistic recovery, this means that the mind and the body should not be treated independently either. A good way to think of how holistic treatment approaches recovery is to think of it as addressing an individual’s “well-being” rather than simply treating their symptoms.
What Does “Well-Being” Have to Do With Holistic Recovery?
Well-being is an essential part of one’s quality of life. This is especially important for individuals looking to achieve long-term recovery on the cellular level. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Well-being integrates mental health (mind) and physical health (body) resulting in more holistic approaches to disease prevention and health promotion.” Also, “Higher levels of well-being are associated with decreased risk of disease, illness, and injury; better immune functioning; speedier recovery; and increased longevity,” and “individuals with high levels of well-being are more productive at work and are more likely to contribute to their communities.”
So then, the question becomes, “What is the best way to achieve overall well-being?” While the answer is multifaceted, one of the primary ways to achieve a healthy status of well-being is via holistic means.
What Does “Holistic” Mean in Recovery?
Holistic recovery does not need to be overcomplicated. Many individuals can become overwhelmed by the concept because holistic means have only recently begun to be incorporated into traditional medical and clinical practices. Holistic recovery ultimately focuses on a mind-body approach.
For example, in many traditional treatment settings, there is a lone focus on talk therapy. Yes, this may take many forms, from individual to group to 12-Step therapy settings, but it ignores many of the other needs of an individual in recovery.
This type of treatment lacks a focus on many essential aspects of recovery. For example, it lacks a focus on nutrition. Nutrition therapy is critical because many individuals in recovery are struggling with severe vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Also, this type of treatment lacks attention to the physical body, which is a critical part of healthy conditioning and self-confidence building for the future. Traditional treatment often also ignores the need for spiritual or natural connection, which can be crucial for long-term growth. Holism in recovery can address all of these needs.
What Types of Holistic Treatments Have Been Shown to Be Effective?
Holistic treatments are also often referred to as “alternative medicine.” Now, this moniker can sometimes push individuals away from further investigating holistic options. The thinking is that “alternative” somehow means “untested” or “unproven.” This is rarely the case. There have been many studies conducted regarding the realm of holistic care, and exciting positive outcomes have resulted. The issue is that holistic care can often be harder to conduct studies on because it is less rigid than, say, medication-assisted treatment (MAT), for example.
Instead of viewing “alternative” as a pejorative, a better way to look at it is as a simultaneously effective option. Holistic treatments are often best used in addition to other traditional mental health care options rather than solely in place of them. They can be exceptional supplemental recovery tools.
Another considerable benefit of holistic treatment options is that many of them can be transitioned from professionally assisted practices to independently utilized tools. One example of this is the holistic components of nutrition therapy.
Nutrition Therapy and Success in Treatment
Regarding any treatment option, it is always good to get a comprehensive clinical explanation of what it is. So, “What exactly is nutrition therapy?” According to the article, New Approaches to Nutritional Therapy by Doctors Koithan and Devika, “Nutritional Therapy uses food to prevent and reverse diseases that plague most western societies: diabetes, obesity, heart disease, arthritis, and depression. For food to be therapeutic, it must be nutrient-dense, measured in part by the nutrients and anti-nutrients, contained in consumed foods.” That last aspect of nutrition is key, and it is also what we comprehensively focus on at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab.
Here at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, we believe that “food is medicine.” That is why we have two nutritionists and a dietician onsite at the recovery center. These specialists will not only ensure that a proper individualized nutrition plan is created and maintained, but they also give clients the tools they need to maintain these pivotal nutrition practices once they return home.
Many individuals that are struggling with addiction or other issues of mental health find themselves with a severe imbalance of the nutrients that we require to function at optimum levels. Yes, this certainly can come from alcohol and substance misuse, but it also comes from having a nutrient-lacking diet.
Ensuring that the proper nutrients are restored is essential for recovery. Also, nutrition is about more than the vitamins and minerals that food is composed of. Nutrition must also be utilized in a comprehensive way to do the most good for the mind-body connection. This comes from a focus on how nutrition can aid the gut microbiome.
According to the peer-reviewed journal, Clinics and Practice, “The bidirectional communication between the central nervous system and gut microbiota, referred to as the gut-brain axis, has been of significant interest in recent years… Dysbiosis [negative microbiota from poor nutrition] and inflammation of the gut have been linked to causing several mental illnesses including anxiety and depression, which are prevalent in society today.” By shifting one’s diet to one that is nutrient-rich and high in essential vitamins and minerals, these mental health issues can be mitigated and, in some cases, even eliminated. Another way to get the necessary vitamins and minerals one needs in recovery is through infusions.
Concierge IV Infusions and Success in Treatment
One of the unique treatment options we offer here at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab is vitamin and hydration infusions. We can do this because we have a licensed naturopathic doctor (ND) onsite at all times.
These infusions are an excellent way to hyper-replenish all of the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that many individuals seeking recovery are lacking. For example, our nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) IV infusion can help with exhaustion, excessive stress, mental acuity and focus, enhanced mood, and physical well-being. Also, this is not the only beneficial infusion that we offer.
Another infusion that we are excited to offer is the Myers Cocktail. Myers Cocktail infusions offer the necessary nutrients and antioxidants that help to heal our clients on the cellular level. These infusions can improve energy levels, reduce inflammation, increase immunity, and help with insomnia and fatigue. Also, these infusions have even been shown to help with skin complexion and hair growth due to the way the nutrients are administered directly into the bloodstream. These infusions, alongside focused nutrient-rich meal planning, are an excellent way to heal from the inside out. However, we also have holistic means that heal from the outside in.
Yoga and Success in Treatment
Taking care of the physical body alongside the psychological and emotional self is critical. This gets back to the interconnectedness of holistic treatments for success in recovery. One way to take care of the physical body is via low-impact exercises like yoga.
According to the article, Exploring the Therapeutic Effects of Yoga and Its Ability to Increase Quality of Life in the International Journal of Yoga, “A 3,000 year old tradition, yoga, is now regarded in the Western world as a holistic approach to health and is classified by the National Institutes of Health [NIH] as a form of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM).” Again, while it may not technically qualify under the category of “evidence-based” it has the acceptance and high regard of such institutions and authorities as the NIH.
The aforementioned journal also reports that “The practice of yoga produces a physiological state opposite to that of the flight-or-fight stress response and with that interruption in the stress response, a sense of balance and union between the mind and body can be achieved,” and those are not the only benefits that yoga has to offer in the realm of recovery.
Yoga has also been shown to improve sleep patterns, which can be extremely distorted due to active addiction or other mental health issues. It has also been shown to improve mood, create coping skills for stress and relapse management, strengthen the physical body, and improve circulation, which has been shown to increase energy and calm the mind. However, it is also important to remember that treatments like nutritional therapy, vitamin and hydration infusions, and yoga are most effective when used in a comprehensive treatment plan. Also, it is critical that this plan be individualized.
Why Is Individualized Care Important for Success in Treatment?
When it comes to success in treatment, the standard that many people often allude to is that of 12-Step recovery (the most well-known being Alcoholics Anonymous). Now, it should be noted that 12-Step recovery is estimated to have helped millions of individuals and their families recover, which is an amazing accomplishment. We would never diminish the value of 12-Step recovery. It is a miraculous program. In fact, many of our clients incorporate it into their long-term recovery plans.
However, what about the millions of people that have found that 12-Step recovery does not work for them? Holistic recovery is often a very effective option for them. Also, many individuals already engaged in 12-Step recovery find that holistic options bolster their program rather than detract from it. The key is to find a myriad of recovery options that work in tandem. Recovery is all about growth. Even when something has been found to be effective, there are always ways by which its efficacy can be bolstered. Healthy forward momentum is always the name of the long-term recovery game.
One of the reasons that holistic alternatives can be effective for individuals that traditional treatment has failed is that holistic treatment often takes a much more individualized approach to recovery. No one has the same mental health or substance abuse story. So, why should we expect the same types of treatment to work for everyone? We shouldn’t, and at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, we don’t.
Why Is Comprehensive Care Important for Success in Treatment?
Much of the traditional treatment model is based on the 12-Step system. Again, while this works for some, the initial rigidity of it often leaves little room for more comprehensive care. That being said, we encourage clients to find a recovery community when returning home. We also help connect our clients to these communities. Many of these communities include 12-Step based programs, as well as SMART Recovery and Recovery Dharma programs.
We believe in comprehensive recovery while clients are both at our center, as well as upon their return home. When graduating clients return home, they will be better able to connect with a support group that best works for them. However, because we believe in “healing lives,” not merely “treating people,” we believe that a client’s time with us is best used for healing at the cellular level and addressing the root/core causes rather than simply treating the symptoms.
Comprehensive care is critical for addressing the core issues that are the root causes of many mental health struggles. This is why at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, we offer comprehensive non-12-Step therapy. No, this is not anti-12-Step. It just merely offers a myriad of other options for recovery, such as nature immersion, harm reduction, and experiential therapies, which offer personal growth through creative means.
Focusing on the Core Causes and Root Issues for Recovery at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab
Healing at the cellular level is what we are all about here at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab. Our struggles rarely reside on the surface level. There are core causes and root issues that must be addressed to comprehensively and fully recover.
Yes, there are many ways to recover in this world. Here at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, we have made it our mission to find the most effective ones so we can offer them to our clients both individually and comprehensively. Yes, recovery is ultimately an individual journey, but we are here to guide that journey via the most effective whole-body means. This ensures recovery in the long term rather than merely achieving a short-lived solution.
One of the most influential contemporary Buddhist monks, Thich Nhat Hanh, advised, “Many of us have been running all our lives. Practice stopping.” This is what we offer here at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab; the ability to slow down, stop, and then start to heal wholly.
Treatment is not one-size-fits-all, nor should it only focus on the symptoms of an individual. Treatment requires a whole approach that is based on every individual’s needs. “Cookie-cutter” treatment is never what we offer at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab. It must be individualized and comprehensive. Understanding one’s health history, lifestyle, and means of coping helps create a treatment plan that can peel back the emotional layers and get to the core root causes of the issue. Exclusive Hawaii Rehab aids in this process and provides qualified care and options that make a plan unique to the individual so that they are healing in a way that best suits their needs. For more information, contact Exclusive Hawaii Rehab at (808) 775-0200.