Holistic Alcohol & Drug Rehab Addiction Treatment

How Does Holistic Addiction Treatment Work?
Addiction is a disease that affects a person’s whole being including your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. A holistic addiction treatment program provides patients with an opportunity to address their physical and psychological needs through various methods of healing. Enrolling in an addiction treatment program that focuses on a whole-person integrated approach means that you will develop the coping tools and strategies you need to overcome any potential triggers in the future through natural, holistic measures of treatment. Additionally, you will have access to traditional methods of addiction therapy that will help you uncover what has been at the core of your addiction all along. With the combined efforts of conventional and holistic treatment methods to detox and rehab, patients are able to safely and comfortably remove the influences of alcohol or drugs through a variety of therapeutic processes and treatments.
Experience True Healing
Our deeply-caring staff and the surrounding natural beauty offer an unparalleled healing experience.
Holistic vs Traditional Addiction Treatment Approach
Traditionally, Industry-standard addiction treatment centers placed a heavy emphasis on healing from addiction through conventional evidence-based treatment models that focus on treating the emotions, thoughts, and behaviors that are linked to your addiction. While these methods have been proven to be effective through the latest in addiction research, the missing component of a well-rounded, whole-person approach is the lack of holistic forms of treatment that promotes healing within your mind, body, and soul. When used in conjunction, holistic and traditional methods of treatment can provide patients with a new life foundation that fosters healthy coping strategies and thorough healing from the painful emotions and memories of the past that have impacted their ability to remain sober. Holistic treatments have been proven to enhance a patient’s ability to remain focused and productive within your rehab program as you engage in calming practices and activities that are enriching and fulfilling providing you a new sense of purpose in your newfound life of sobriety.
What’s Involved In A Holistic Addiction Treatment Program
A holistic addiction treatment program supports patients in having a rehab experience that is not only effective in healing from addiction but also provides them with opportunities to engage in activities that help promote a healthy balanced life in recovery. While patients reside within an addiction treatment program, you will have access to therapists and medical professionals who will support you in working through the emotional pains of your addiction to effectively move towards a future in sobriety.
Holistic methods of addiction treatment have been scientifically proven to support patients in effectively working through their detox process with the support of natural interventions that assist in alleviating any uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms and fostering a strong mental capacity to focus on developing a new life foundation in recovery. During your time in alcohol or drug rehab, you will be invited to participate in the therapeutic process of individual and group therapy sessions that will place a focus on the emotional growth and healing that you need to move away from life from addiction. To make a long-lasting change towards life in sobriety, you will need to revisit your current lifestyle and identify areas in which you can incorporate new hobbies and coping tools that move away from substance use. Holistic treatment helps to demonstrate different ways in which you can facilitate healthy emotional regulation and manage potential triggers. Patients that have taken what they have learned from a holistic therapy and applied it to their everyday life once they return home have found that they are successful in avoiding relapse behaviors through these effective, calming strategies.
Massage therapy provides more support than just simply allowing a patient to lay down to receive a backrub within a relaxing setting, there are therapeutic aspects that promote a positive healing experience that advances you towards your overarching goal of achieving sobriety. Massage therapy supports patients in finding a sense of calm while releasing any tension from their body that has been building up over their time in active addiction. A massage therapist will apply pressure to your muscles and trigger points in a circular motion that will help to release any built-up tension as well as increase the level of natural dopamine within your body due to the stimulation within your central nervous system. Research has proven that the mind and body connection made within massage therapy has had significant impacts on reducing potential relapses within patients.
Acupuncture & Acupressure
Acupuncture originated in China and has been used as traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years to treat physical and mental health conditions. As the western world has begun to incorporate this method of medicinal treatment, there has been extensive research into the effectiveness of acupuncture for addiction treatment.
Acupuncture has been proven to support healing from addiction within the following ways:
- Helps to reduce drug or alcohol cravings
- Alleviate any physical pain
- Decrease the severity of withdrawal symptoms felt
- Improve sleep patterns and reduce insomnia
- Decrease stress levels
- Reduce anxiety
- Facilitate healthy, emotional regulation
- Support patient retention within an addiction treatment center
Reiki & Energy Work
Reiki is a traditional form of healing that focuses on balancing energy throughout a body focusing on the seven chakras within your body. It is believed that if there is a blockage in chakras or an imbalance in chakras, it affects your capacity to have a healthy physical and emotional well-being. A Reiki practitioner focuses on assisting to shift your energy between chakras to help you find a healthy, balanced state of being.
Reiki has become an essential part of holistic treatment for addiction due to the following benefits:
- Supports patients in developing strong connections with others as well as improving your relationship with yourself
- Reduce stress levels allowing you to feel safe and comfortable within your treatment program
- Alleviate pain or discomfort felt within a withdrawal process
- Improve your quality of sleep allowing you the mental clarity and stability to remain focused and on track to maintain sobriety
- Assist patients in feeling a sense of control within their mental and physical health which empowers patients to believe that you are in control of your healing process and have the capability to achieve sobriety.
Yoga & Meditation
Yoga is a meditative practice that combines physical activity including physical poses, meditation, conscious breathing practices, mindfulness, and personal awareness. Yoga has become a regular part of thousands of Americans’ lives as a method of self-care and meditation. Those who engage in yoga regularly will experience the following benefits:
- Reduced stress
- Increased relaxation and calmness
- Teaches self discipline
- Strengthening impulse control
- Improved focus
- Significant improvement in mood and happiness
The benefits felt from practicing yoga are essential to anyone attending a drug and alcohol rehab program as it promotes emotional regulation while developing the tools to be able to ground yourself in times of high stress. Practicing yoga will not only improve your physical health but individuals will also be able to have the mental clarity and stability to work through the emotions and trauma that are associated with your addiction. As you remove the influences of drugs or alcohol from your system, you will experience a lack of dopamine produced within your brain as you will no longer be using substances that increase your dopamine levels. Engaging in yoga helps to produce natural levels of dopamine within your brain that will have you experiencing those “feel good” hormones again through a sober, healthy activity.
Holistic Alcohol & Drug Rehab Addiction Treatmenthttps://t.co/fcVhoCM6yf
— Exclusive Hawaii Rehab (@hawaii_rehab) February 16, 2022
Biofeedback & Neurofeedback
Biofeedback is a form of holistic therapy that focuses on the patient taking in images, flashing lights, and pulsating sounds and seeing how the patient responds to these messages. Through this process, patients and therapists are able to identify different relaxation exercises that will help patients identify new methods of coping with stressors or mitigate any withdrawal symptoms or substance cravings.
As someone is experiencing alcohol or drug withdrawal, it creates physiological and physical symptoms that are involuntary and unpleasant. Biofeedback provides patients with to track and identifies when these responses appear:
- Breathing rate
- Increased heart rate
- Skin temperature fluctuations
- Increased blood pressure
- Sweating
- Muscle contractions
To combat these responses, patients are invited to participate in the following biofeedback exercises:
- Mindfulness meditation- focusing on releasing negative thoughts or emotions through peaceful focus and concentration
- Progressive muscle relaxation- Focus placed on one muscle group at a time. This exercise allows patients to focus on releasing tension and stress within the muscles through one core muscle group
- Guided imagery- Helping to recenter your thoughts and emotions through soothing, positive images and scenarios
Neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback that focuses on calming an overstimulated or over-excited brain. This method of holistic treatment helps to reset your brain functioning and wave patterns back to a normal functioning that you had prior to your addiction. Neurofeedback has been shown to support patients in developing the skills they need to overcome potential triggers and relapses.
Nutritional Therapy
It is common for individuals engaged in active addiction to lose sight of providing themselves with the proper vitamins and nutrients through a balanced diet. Oftentimes, individuals will be focused on feeding their addiction rather than fueling their bodies with proper hydration and nutritious food sources. While some individuals may not have had the opportunity to learn about proper nutrition due to their addiction and childhood growing up. Nutritional therapy provides patients with the insight and knowledge on best practices to effectively nourish their bodies and replenish any vitamin deficiencies that may have occurred within their addiction.
Herbal (Natural) Medicines
Patients that enter into alcohol or drug rehab may find that their bodies are lacking the essential vitamins and minerals that support healthy body functioning due to the toxic substances that have been consumed. As your body is healing from addiction, it is important that you safely replenish your body with the essential nutrients it needs to begin to repair the damage caused by addiction and restore you to health within your new life in recovery. In order to do this, patients will be offered vitamin and herbal supplements that will give your body the sustenance and energy it needs to revitalize and restore from the depths of addiction. Exclusive Hawaii Rehab offers those patients that have significant vitamins and mineral deficiencies, IV therapy that will give your body consistent supplementation of these essential herbal medicines to sufficiently replenish your body.
Are Holistic Techniques Effective In Treating Substance Abuse Disorders?
Holistic techniques are often an appealing option for those who are looking for a well-rounded, person-centered therapy approach. There are many individuals who have learned about the traditional methods of addiction treatment and will feel like they need more from their addiction treatment program to effectively heal from the roots of their addiction. Holistic therapy methods are appealing as it is conducted in a relaxed environment that avoids a clinical environment for healing. This can often encourage patients to be comfortable within their rehab program to become open and vulnerable for change.
Is Holistic Addiction Therapy Covered by Insurance?
Choosing to enter into holistic alcohol or drug rehab program is a courageous choice that should be met with encouragement and support to get you started on the right step towards your new life foundation in recovery. The last thing anyone wants to be worried about is the financial component of accessing an addiction treatment center that provides you with the well-rounded, holistic measures that are vital for your healthy recovery. Most holistic addiction therapy has historically been covered by insurance providers for patients. It is encouraged that patients contact their insurance companies to inquire further about the coverage that is provided under your specific plan.
Why You Should Visit Exclusive Hawaii Rehab For The Best Holistic Addiction Treatment Program
Exclusive Hawaii Rehab has developed a holistic addiction treatment program that focuses on the patient rather than focusing on treating the addiction. As we gain knowledge on who you are as a person and where you want to see yourself in recovery, we are able to create an individualized plan that incorporates the latest in holistic and addiction treatment practices. Each alcohol or drug rehab program that is designed has an emphasis on balance between conventional and holistic treatment methods to provide patients with a healing journey that focuses on balancing and bettering their body, mind, and spirit. Contact the expert team of addiction specialists at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab to have any questions answered and learn about the unique holistic treatment program that will be designed for you.
Experience True Healing
Our deeply-caring staff and the surrounding natural beauty offer an unparalleled healing experience.