Long-Term Success: How Do I Make Amends in Recovery?

It is important to remember that recovery is about the journey. It is about being healthy in the long term. However, to ensure that recovery is as healthy as possible there are many actions that should be taken. For example, one should engage with a multi-angled treatment plan that includes multiple means, methods, and modalities. Also, many people find that engaging with other people in recovery is critical to their long-term success. It is also important to make amends in recovery.
Better Understanding Addiction
Addiction is something that affects millions of people in the U.S. and abroad every day. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), “Alcohol and drug misuse and related disorders are major public health challenges that are taking an enormous toll on our society. Recently more than 27 million people in the United States reported that they are using illicit drugs or misusing prescription drugs, and nearly a quarter of adults and adolescents reported binge drinking in the past month.”
Now, many people are mistaken when it comes to what addiction actually is. People often see addiction as some type of moral failing or “choice.” This is simply misinformed. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), “Many people don’t understand why or how other people become addicted to drugs. They may mistakenly think that those who use drugs lack moral principles or willpower and that they could stop their drug use simply by choosing to. In reality, drug addiction is a complex disease, and quitting usually takes more than good intentions or a strong will.”
It is also important to understand that addiction is not just a disease but also a “family disease.” This is because it does not just affect the individual struggling but everyone around that individual. This is why many people in recovery refer to addiction as “a tornado that destroys everyone and everything in its path.” Some positive news is that just as the family may be the most affected, the family often has the best opportunity to help their loved one find recovery. However, this can only happen if the family is able to recognize the signs and symptoms of addiction.
The Signs and Symptoms of Addiction
Of course, the signs and symptoms of addiction are going to potentially vary based on the individual. However, there are many universal signs that there may be addiction issues. The following are just a few of those signs and symptoms:
- Experiencing otherwise unexplained physical symptoms like headaches, body aches, and gastrointestinal problems
- Isolating away from family and close friends
- Losing interest in activities and hobbies once enjoyed
- Trouble with sleep cycles, including sleeping too much and not sleeping enough (hypersomnia and insomnia)
- Feeling an overwhelming sense of dread
- Having feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, and helplessness (depression)
- Experiencing alcohol or substance-related trouble at work or school
- Committing self-harm
- Not being able to stop using or drinking once started
- Feeling overly anxious, nervous, or “stressed out”
- Having suicidal ideations
As one can see, these are significant issues, which is why if any, many, or all of the symptoms manifest, it is important to seek help as soon as possible. Doing so could mean the difference between short-term side effects and long-term consequences.
What Does Healing at the Cellular Level Look Like?
When one chooses to recover, it is important that one connect with the right treatment center. This center should focus on healing at the cellular level. However, what exactly does “healing at the cellular level” mean?
Healing at the cellular level has to do with multi-tiered recovery. It is about healing every aspect of the capital S “Self.” This includes the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. It is about holistic healing (holistic meaning “whole” healing). Now, there are many ways to get to cellular-level healing, but one important aspect is to focus on individualized recovery.
The Importance of Individualized Addiction Care
The reality is that the treatment industry is now worth billions of dollars. While this is positive that there are more opportunities for people to recover, there are also issues. One of the biggest issues is that there are now many predatory treatment centers that are focused more on their financial bottom line than they are their client’s well-being.
These are often the same recovery centers that only offer broad “one-size-fits-all” treatment plans that don’t focus on the individual. Here at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, we find that this type of recovery rarely works in the long term. Also, it is not just important that recovery be individualized, but it must also be comprehensive.
The Importance of Comprehensive Addiction Care
As previously mentioned, the “multi-angled” approach is important for ensuring that the most well-rounded recovery takes place. This is because utilizing multiple modalities best ensures that all of the aspects of the Self are addressed.
This multi-angled approach should include means, methods, and modalities from all areas of recovery. It should include “traditional” therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Also, it should include experiential therapies like surf therapy and horticulture therapy. Lastly, it should include holistic healing methods like yoga therapy and mindfulness meditation.
Rekindling Relationships in Recovery
Now, it is important to remember that recovery should not happen in a vacuum. It should be a community (especially the family) process. This is why rekindling relationships in recovery is so important.
Many people worry about what is going to happen to their relationships when they decide to pursue recovery. They worry that they will lose their relationships. However, in most cases the opposite is true. People often rekindle relationships, strengthen relationships, and make new ones.
Now, there are many ways to make this happen. One of the ways is by utilizing 12-Step recovery.
An Understanding of 12-Step Recovery
Roughly 89 years ago, two individuals got together and determined that there were only two ways that they were going to get sober and recover. One was to give up their lives to a Higher Power greater than themselves (a Higher Power of their own understanding). Two was to work with other people in recovery. These two individuals were Bill Wilson and Dr. Roberst Holbrook Smith, the co-founders of the 12-Step program Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) Their program has since gone on to help millions of people and their families recover.
Now, as mentioned, the second part of their recovery plan was to work with other people in recovery. This is because helping others with their problems often helps them to work through their own. The benefits of working with others are even discussed in the primary text of 12-Step recovery (commonly referred to as the Big Book). The Big Book states, “Practical experience shows that nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking [and using] as intensive work with other [people in recovery]. It works when other activities fail…. You can help when no one else can.”
It is also highly beneficial to work the Twelve Steps. These steps start with acceptance and willingness and then lead to taking action. This action includes working on the Ninth Step.
To Make Amends: Understanding the Ninth Step
The Ninth step states, “Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.” Yes, to make amends is essential to healing at the cellular level.
Now, to make amends one must remember that it is much more than about simply saying, “I’m sorry.” It is about showing the other person that one has grown and is willing to make a “living amends.” A living amends simply means a willingness to live a set of principles that are going to benefit oneself and those around them. It is also important to be guided when making amends.
Long-Term Success: How Do I Make Amends in Recovery?
Part of 12-Step recovery is often working with a “sponsor.” A sponsor is someone who has gone through the Twelve Steps and remains recovered as a result. This also means that they have successfully completed the Ninth Step.
A sponsor is going to be able to guide an individual as they make amends to friends, families, and institutions. They can also best ensure that an individual does not relapse.
Many people don’t realize just how prevalent relapses are. It also does not mean that an individual has “failed” at recovery. According to NIDA, “The chronic nature of addiction means that for some people relapse, or a return to drug use after an attempt to stop, can be part of the process, but newer treatments are designed to help with relapse prevention. Relapse rates for drug use are similar to rates for other chronic medical illnesses.” This includes chronic illnesses like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Another effective way to avoid relapse is psychotherapy.
Utilizing the Tools of Psychotherapy to Make Amends
Psychotherapies (or “talk” therapies) can be particularly helpful in getting to the root/core cause of one’s addiction. These are often the underlying negative ways that one views oneself and the world around them. Once these negative views are addressed, then one can begin to work on their negative addictive behaviors. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is also an ideal way of healing at the cellular level.
Now, ACT has been proven effective, but requires further research, According to the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Psychology, “ACT has been therapeutic effects and utilized to address and manage symptoms including chronic diseases, malignancies, pregnancy and childbirth, psychiatric-psychological disorders, pain, depression, mixed anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, psychosis, and so on. This indicates that the ACT has important clinical significance, and they call for further follow-up and review of the development and effectiveness of ACT in future research is needed.” Another effective psychotherapy is person-centered therapy.
According to the peer-reviewed thesis Person-Centered Therapy (Rogerian Therapy), by Doctors Yao and Kabir, “[In person-centered therapy] the client is believed to be the expert in their life and leads the general direction of therapy, while the therapist takes a non-directive rather than a mechanistic approach. The therapist’s role is to provide a space conducive to uncensored self-exploration. As the client explores their feelings, they will gain a clearer perception of themselves, leading to psychological growth.” Further, “The therapist attempts to increase the client’s self-understanding by reflecting and carefully clarifying questions.” Psychedelic therapy can also be very helpful.
Utilizing the Tools of Psychedelic Therapy to Make Amends
Many people shy away from psychedelic therapy because they are under the misconception that it somehow has to do with the recreational use of illicit substances. This is simply not the case. Psychedelic therapy has oversight and is directed by trained professionals. One particularly beneficial psychedelic therapy is ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP).
KAP also pairs well with psychotherapy. According to the Journal of Pain Research, “One possible aid in prolonging ketamine’s effects is psychotherapy. Psychotherapy describes the treatment of psychological disorders or symptoms through the promotion of personal growth, symptom management, and well-being and is based on therapeutic structures, principles, and techniques. Separately, both psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy have shown equal efficacy, while the combination of both approaches has been found to be more effective in the treatment of psychological disorders than psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy alone; specifically, in certain populations including older adults and patients with comorbid medical disorders.”
Utilizing the Tools of Group Therapy to Make Amends
For one to make amends, it is often important for their loved ones to be in the process of healing as well. This can often be found by actively participating in group (and family) therapy.
Group therapy can be highly beneficial. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), “Group therapy and addiction treatment are natural allies. One reason is that people who abuse substances often are more likely to remain abstinent and committed to recovery when treatment is provided in groups, apparently because of rewarding and therapeutic forces such as affiliation, confrontation, support, gratification, and identification. This capacity of group therapy to bond patients to treatment is an important asset because the greater the amount, quality, and duration of treatment, the better the client’s prognosis.” Now, of course, there are also other modalities that can help with recovery.
Other Modalities for Long-Term Recovery: Nutrition Therapy
Here at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, we believe in the maxim, “Food is medicine.” This is also why we are such big proponents of nutrition therapy and have exceptional nutritionists and dieticians on staff. We also have a licensed naturopath doctor on staff; available to answer any questions or concerns.
Nutrition therapy is as much about what is left out of the body as what is put in. According to the Journal for Nurse Practitioners (JNP), “In order for food to be therapeutic, it must be nutrient-dense, measured in part by the nutrients and anti-nutrients, contained in consumed foods. Nutrients are plant and animal sources providing macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, fat), micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, antioxidants, probiotics), and fiber.” Further, ”Anti-Nutrients are food products that have no biological necessity.”
Here at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, we also believe that food should be delicious and satiating. This is why all of our cuisine is prepared by world-class chefs and is tailored for each and every client.
To Make Amends and Heal at the Cellular Level With Exclusive Hawaii Rehab
Here at Exclusive Hawaii Rehab, we understand that planning to make amends can be daunting. However, we also know that it can be essential for healing at the cellular level.
We also believe in long-term success over short-term “fixes.” This is why all of our recovery plans are tailored for the individual, are comprehensive, and have a focus on the future.
Just know that recovery is out there, The key is to go out there and get it and there is no better place to do it than on the Hamakua Coast of Hawaii’s Big Island.
It is important to repair relationships in recovery. This is also a crucial aspect of moving forward in recovery. However, many people avoid acquiring the healing that comes with making proper amends in recovery. The key is to make amends when the time is right and not to shy away from the amends that may seem the scariest. The reality is that they often go the smoothest. If you feel like you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, mental illness, or both, we can help get you on the right road to recovery right away. You don’t have to go through this alone. For more detailed information, please reach out to Exclusive Hawaii Rehab today at (808) 775-0200.